Bro. Paul,
I'd like to offer you this article from Bro. Reagan who was a wonderful encouragement to my husband and I. We've rarely found a subject we've disagreed on.
The question of head coverings is one that I know I've studied out and one that I believe Sis. Pam Custer has studied out although it's been awhile. Perhaps it would offer a different perspective than the archived thread?
There is also a "group" or denomination if you will, called Head-Covering Baptists. You can find their information here:
The one thing that "is" appealing of wearing a covering is that you are identifying yourself as different, peculiar. And you are more aware of yourself and your testimony knowing that you will not just blend into the crowd with your actions.
Kind of like having Scripture signs on the back of your car.

We have Dr. Ruckman's Scripture signs on the back of all our vehicles, it's an extra reminder that we should behave in such a way as to bring glory to His name.
While we should always behave ourselves so as to not bring a reproach to the cause of Christ sometimes it's not enough and our flesh gets its way. But being ever aware that we're not out there on the road like everyone else, we have God's Words on our bumpers, hopefully that will spur us on to exhibit the Fruit of the Spirit even when a car pulls out in front of us
Anyway, Bro. Paul I hope these 2 articles will help you in your studies.
Be Blessed!