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Old 08-01-2009, 03:30 PM
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Jassy Jassy is offline
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Originally Posted by chette777 View Post
Oh me and my squeaky voice. Anyway it is low in the video but it is higher pitched at times. I don't always like the way I sound but God has chosen the foolish things to confound the wise.

seeing that the barrel fish tank is a little small actually to raise more than 2 Tilapia at a time to eating size. The last time I ate them in Manila I didn't like the taste so much. I have been told it is because they don't use clean water to raise them and they don't feed them clean foods either.

So when I get the green house up I will raise some in a larger tank and give them a try again. One of the Barrels I bought was contaminated and I could not get it replaced because we all ready cut it up. so I will use the contaminated one for the seminars only. when I set up another one here I will get a clean barrel
Brother Chette,

This is a time when deafness can be a real blessing: I can't hear your self-described "squeaky voice"!

I enjoyed seeing the video. Any idea how long it takes to raise the Tilapia to edible size? Personally, I love Tilapia fish - very delicious! It's been rare that I have encountered a rather bitter-tasting fish, and I don't know what that comes from. I also love the taste of Orange Roughy fish. I also used to love Lake Perch (I live near Lake Michigan) but unfortunately I've had the bitter-tasting fish one time too many to trust it now.

I'll look forward to seeing the new video that you plan to post, to show the progress of your plantings. Let us know here, when that is posted!

That's sad that one of the barrels you had bought was contaminated and that you can't exchange it now.

I'm praying for this endeavor of yours to be fruitful!
