Originally Posted by Cloudwalker
The reason for my username is...I am a avid hiker, I have a passion for hiking, mountain climbing...being up in the clouds if you will.
Of course I bring Scripture with me and study God's word...I'm hoping one day while I'm up there in the mountains Christ will come and I'll have less travel time to get to Him in the clouds. 
Aloha brother,
From the late 1960's to the late 1990's our family's favorite past time was hiking and camping. In the course of 50 years I hiked every single river on the Island of Kauai (some to the source). Close to 40% of the island consists of a a very inhospitable area called the Alakai swamp (elevation 1,500 - 4,000 feet); my family and I explored and crossed the "Alakai" at least 50 times or more (sometimes camping for up to 2 weeks at a time with six kids and my wife and I.)
In 1961 my wife and I spent our honeymoon in Kalalau Valley - a remote valley on the island accessible only by boat or an 11 mile trail along cliff edges, etc. I miss doing those things, but with the family scattered to the four winds and me getting older, I haven't really hiked in years.