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Old 06-30-2009, 07:37 AM
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Originally Posted by PaulB View Post
Thanks Tony - I appreciate your comments (I wouldn't go as far as identifying myself as a baptist, I simply attend a baptist church because that's as good as I can find in this area) I came from a pentecostal background, but since Rick Warren's purpose driven phenomena has taken over I jumped ship! I am a firm believer in "the Word" governing church life - I couldn't go along with the "a new way of doing church" thing. I suppose I like those good old fashioned paths!

God bless


I am SO glad to see you don't like Warren's porpoise-drivel church ways, either.
I think Rick Warren has done more damage to the churches, and to the lost who attend church, than even the Catholic church has.
And, so quickly, too!
What about Rick Warren's teachings are most irritating, to you?
(I can't stand the idiotic hymns, they sing)