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Old 06-24-2009, 08:51 PM
Posts: n/a

One interesting point is that in the Greek, the words translated "Jot" and "tittle" in the AV are the Greek words "iota" and "keraia."

I don't know, I think we may be drifting off topic a bit, we might be straining at gnats to put it another way.

In a nutshell I think that the AV is functionally perfect in so far as it was translated based on the correct manuscripts by able translators who had pure and honest ends as they performed their task. It is complete in that it contains verses omitted by the suspect Critical Text family of manuscripts, like the last several verses of Mark and I John 5:7. It is correct in that it accurately conveys the intended meaning of the originals and where translation errors do occur, they have no impact whatsoever on meaning or doctrine.

I am in no way, shape or form attacking the Authorized Version of the Bible. I'm hoping to refine and solidify an honest and rational view of the nature of the AV in terms of how it relates to the existing accurate manuscripts and how it and they relate to the original autographs.

I do not want to be branded a "Bible critic," "Bible doubter" or "Bible attacker," NOTHING could be further from the truth.