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Old 06-08-2009, 01:13 PM
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Originally Posted by tonybones2112 View Post
John R. Rice has many good words on many good topics, but he was an Original Manuscript Fraud who wrote a book called OUR GOD-BREATHED BOOK, THE BIBLE, and then stated that this "bible" is only inspired in the original manuscripts in this book. Dr. Ruckman and many other KJV defenders were scathing in their criticism of Rice. Many years ago Dr. Herbert Evans wrote Rice a letter that later became a pamphlet that outlined Rice's views from his own words on the KJV and the inspiration of the Scriptures, it was called, Dear Dr. John, Where Is My Bible? Rice was also, as Dr. Ruckman is today, staunchly opposed to Grace believing dispensationalists and joined the "dry cleaning church splitters" bandwagon only after others took it up. Dr. Rice believed the doctrinal error that OT personalities "looked forward to the cross while we today look backwards." Many of his commentaries spoke of "...fine OT Christians like Abraham...". There were no "Christians" in the OT. Christ's own apostles were not aware that He came to earth to die for the sins of the world. As far as any dispensational studies Rice recognized a difference between the OT and the NT and that was it, in any Scripture with Scripture study he was as I said of Herbert W. Armstrong, he couldn't put two verses of Scripture together with two bulldozers and 16 tons of Super Glue.

Dr. Rice would not take a stand against the critics of the KJV because he didn't want to lose subscriptions to Sword Of The Lord magazine and jeopardize his self-appointed position as "leader" of the IFB movement against the Southern Baptist Convention.

Dr. John R. Rice was a good man and accomplished much good and would have accomplished 100 times the good if he'd stayed out of Baptist politics and preached that the Bible in his hands was given by inspiration of God. Any Bible. In some of his writings you will find he uses the ASV of 1901. Sisters, when you read Dr. Rice, my advice is you have a Bible in front of you when you do, and one rightly divided. While Ray Comfort and Paul Washer no doubt will have books written about their errors I'm sure you could glean the works of Dr. Peter Ruckman and assemble a good sized book on Dr. Rice's errors on right division and there being no Bible you can hold in your hands that is given by inspiration of God. Dr. Rice taught and preached from a Bible he didn't believe was inspired and had errors in it.

Grace and peace sisters.

Tony- There are not enough hours in the day to study everything and everybody so it's helpful to be able to rely a bit on another believer's demonstrated knowledge and discernment in order to redeem the time. Thanks, brother.


Last edited by greenbear; 06-08-2009 at 01:24 PM.