Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish
A few points:
1. I never said I don't like you, that is an assumption caused by the same confusion that fuels your rabid attacks here on baptism and Baptists. Or maybe one of those UFO's you saw.
2. You know less than you think you do. But we still love you.
3. I hope your chest cold gets better soon.
4. You need to get that Apple G5 and dump the PC, we already talked about that. 
First brother, I made a joke about you not liking me, this is an internet Bible forum, and if I attacked Baptists you'd know it. I know when somebody is afraid of something and you are afraid of the grace belief on water baptism. Ive been stern with the Law keepers amd even more so with the Original Manuscript Frauds, if someone feels attacked I apologize though no "attack" was meant. You personally have picked up on Ruckman and Rice's view that grace believers are some kind of Jehovah's Witness. Dr. Ruckman is a good man but he
loves to dehumanize people. Doc Pete don't have a 180 IQ for nothin'. Mine's only 170, but I still have discernment in spite of it
Stam had a view and position that Baptists and Protestants who water baptized were some kind of heretics(I heard it from his own mouth). I think you're all wrong. As far as what I know I know more than some and less than others. I have 112 emails from 94 people in my inbox, 83 who hang on my every word. 41 of those are IFBs who asked me, seriously, if they should "leave their church because they are not dispensational enough". In each case my response is you leave a church when they
stop preaching Christ crucified. You have nothing to fear, if the webmaster thinks I'm here to divide people he'll boot me and he'll be justified but I didn't come here to divide people. After the forum wars I have been in I'll
never belong to another Christian forum on the internet again in my life unless my mind changes. I thought FFF would be fun, same old thing.
I got moderate to severe bronchitis and thank you for your well wishes.
A guy at a garage sale sold me a Compaq Presario 1200 for a buck. It's got a shorted power connector, if juice has gotten past the fuse it's toast, if not I got a backup Win98 machine if I can get the power problem fixed. The G5 is on it's way soon as the Treasury Dept. fires up the printing press and pays me what they owe me.
Grace and peace brother