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Old 05-26-2009, 11:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish View Post

I am gradually going back and reading all of these experiences, thanks to you and Bro. Tony for your stories and the others who took time to type out what happened to them. I notice you and Winman had the same negative or "creepy" feelings after seeing these things, that is very interesting.
Bro Parrish,

I was trying to remember back in these posts... I think it was you that had asked if any of these people have had any of these experiences since being saved by faith. For me, YES once, last year. It was around Christmas time - and I didn't have up any Christmas lights and there were colored lights in the sky - way up beyond the tops of the trees. No one had Christmas tree lights up there. And since I didn't have any Christmas lights up... it wasn't being reflected onto the window.

I've just reported what I saw. I'm not saying it's anything good or bad. It just happened and I saw it. I don't know what to make of it. I cannot write myself off as crazy because I'm very grounded in the Word of God. Besides that, I looked for every other possible explanation. Were there any lights around that could be reflecting into the sky? Was it just a one-time fast thing? I left that window and came back and looked from several angles, and it was still visible.
I tired of looking at it and don't know what ever happened.

What was it? No idea. I'm not saying it was aliens or something out-of-the-ordinary. Just something that I couldn't find an explanation for.

In fact, I don't believe in aliens or spaceships. As I said in my last post, there are things that we don't know about - inventions, stuff the government hides from us, the ability to cloak objects (yes it is REAL) and make them actually "disappear" although they are still there. Such things are invented for a purpose - which may not be a good one.

Still my trust is in the Lord and His Word.
