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Old 05-20-2009, 01:55 PM
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johnlf johnlf is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Columbus, OH
Posts: 27

Hi all,

I apologize if I offended anyone by not properly introducing myself. I understand that there are screening processes involved to keep the enemy from trying to destroy the board. That is unfortunate, as I am a very strong advocate of free speech, but it is understandable.

I have updated my avatar to let you know a little bit more about me, and no, I only know Tony from what he has posted on this board. I actually introduced myself by posting a few threads that all popped in once I was okayed by the moderator.

I'm not sure why this issue is so controversial, for me it's just another minor disagreement amongst sincere believers. But I would be dishonest if I were to not openly admit that it is my opinion that dispensationalists display a deeper understanding of the Scriptures. This understanding enables them to explain a greater number of "difficult" passages than your traditional "church" doctrine followers are able to.

My advice to anyone who gets really upset about these things is to honestly examine themselves to find out why, because I can see no other reason for an emotional reaction except that it originates in the flesh.

I have had many friendly disagreements with other believers over the years and have learned a lot about myself and the Scriptures, hence I always welcome a vigorous debate.

Over the years I have come to conclusions about a number of things that others have found very controversial, but to me is simply what the Bible teaches. For example I believe:

* Genesis 6 is about angels taking human wives producing giants
* The "baptism in the spirit" as practiced by charismatics produces demonic oppression
* Homosexuals are actually demon possessed
* The two witnesses are clearly Moses and Elijah
* Women pastors are in rebellion against God
* Most "Christian" music is of the devil
* Many Christian women dress no better than prostitutes

I cannot tell you how many times one or more of those positions has caused a near riot amongst other believers which I find quite surprising. I cannot help but wonder if that reaction comes from a very agitated fleshly nature. The current topic in my mind is no more controversial than any of those other topics.