Thread: My Intro
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Old 05-19-2009, 09:40 PM
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Jassy Jassy is offline
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Posts: 299

Originally Posted by greenbear View Post

I hope I'm not responding to ALL of your posts but I can't help it! The fact that you reject Calvinism and Arminianism with little or no biblical construct is fascinating and wonderful. What a testimony that is to understanding the character of God by faith alone in His goodness. I used to be absolutely tormented by this issue. If you become even remotely familiar with a dispensational framework for viewing the scriptures as a whole I know a whole lot of confusion will just 'melt away" as it did with me. If I could I would mail copies of some of Dave Hunt's books to you. I would especially recommend "What Love Is This? Calvinism's Misrepresentaion Of God" and "A Woman Rides The Beast". They are graced by the Spirit of Truth.

You are most welcome to respond to any or all of my posts! I'm happy to communicate with a sister in the Lord! I think that I am more familiar than would be suggested by some of my posts. However, I am just not "up" on the terminology used. I've been studying the Bible for over 30 years (most of that in the KJV/AV), so I do think that I have a pretty good grounding in the Word of God.) I have primarily studied it on my own - not in formal Bible studies or groups or in a church.

I know what Calvinism is and I rejected it when I heard it. I have in my mind what I believe the Holy Spirit has led me to. I trust in that.

Thank you for the book recommendations! They sound very good and I'll look for them.
