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Old 05-12-2009, 04:30 AM
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chette777 chette777 is offline
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I wasn't ignoring your question it is a very good one. Why do we teach two baptism when only one is important?

Well, while I don't agree that Matt 28 is for us in this age. I do agree that 1) we need to go Roms 11 and preach so others can hear and have faith and get saved, the gospel we preach is not that of Matt 28, 2) Paul while didn't teach us to baptize or how but by his example he did baptize, so I will too but I wont force it on anyone as a requirement. 3) Hebrews does tell us there is more than one baptism when it says "doctrine of Baptisms" plural baptisms meaning there were two or more types of baptisms, we say one spiritual baptism and the other is physical baptism. yet another one would be baptism for the dead (don't ask me to comment on that because I have no idea what that is all about but this I do know it ain't no Mormon doctrine).

So for me it is not a big deal as long as the spiritual baptism has taken place. if that has not happened the other one or two should never take place.