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Old 05-11-2009, 11:19 PM
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tonybones2112 tonybones2112 is offline
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Originally Posted by tonybones2112 View Post
The "insertion argument" is untenable, as it creates an impossible doctrinal deviation and interpolation cannot be proven. Redemption is not forgiveness of sins. One that an unlearned idiot would make, as I describe Origen above. You're following the bankrupt "conflation" theory Of Westcott-Hort on this verse along with the "oldest is best" falsehood. You have an unsolvable paradox with the W-H theory of manuscript "age": If the Alexandrian family of manuscripts is the correct one, then it should be represented by at least as many or not more "late" copies of itself as the "Majority Text". Where are the missing 15,000 copies of the "late" Alexandrian text? I suppose the Waldensians burned them? Who has burned Bibles for 1700 years?/QUOTE]

It's called the Muslim Invasion. You may have heard of it.
Now that's funny. That's the funniest thing I ever heard of since Lewis Black's commentary on the Homosexual Invasion Of America. Here we have hundreds of thousands of blood-mad Muslims invading Palestine, North Africa, Turkey, Central and southern Europe, and they burn all copies of the Alexandrian text only. Good Jesuit answer Sola Barry. Any answer to cast doubt into the minds of the ignorant who want the word of God scattered out into the four winds.

As Ray Liotta said to Joe Pesci in GOODFELLAS, you're a funny guy.

Grace and peace

Ahmed Mohabbones