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Old 05-04-2009, 02:15 PM
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Default rE: " Factual errors in the Epistle to the Hebrews?"

Originally Posted by Tandi View Post
Brother George,

Why do you assume I was making a snide remark, or that I have ulterior motives for posting here, or that I am trying to put anyone back under the Law??

I may not agree with everyone here, but I am a very simple, straightforward person who loves the KJV. I came here as a friend, not foe, with questions, not doubts.

The spiritual atmosphere is becoming like a grand inquisition. I feel like I am walking on eggshells and I doubt I am the only one who feels this way. Brandon asked me to answer his questions, but if I say more about my beliefs I will be accused of trying to put people under the law! As if I would have any influence with anyone here! You can tell from my blog what my beliefs are. If I am not welcome here, just let me know and I will go away. It is not easy to determine the boundaries of acceptable dialogue.

I do not have huge blocks of time to spend on forums, so I may not answer everyone's point or question or have time to clarify every remark I make.

I wish we could all just believe the best about each other.

Honestly, George, I like the label "Harmonizer" and I am going to continue to use it and recommend it to my Bible Chronologist friend. He associates as a Seventh-Day Baptist but has doctrinal disagreements with that fellowship as well. The Seventh-Day Baptists are a very old denomination. Do you consider them brethren? What about the Waldensians and other groups in past centuries who continued to keep the Sabbath?

I did not come here to promote Sabbath observance. If I should not mention it again, just let me know. I did not enter the fray when the other guy brought up the topic when I saw the reaction. I don't blame him for not returning to the discussion.

Friend, not foe....


1. WHY did you mention my name?

2. WHY didn't you stick with our "agreement"? I did!

3. WHY, when people call you down on something you say, do you become a "victim" and the "oppressed" one (the refuge of one who cannot answer a legitimate criticism)? No one is "picking on you", but if you are in error - we are going to point out where you are wrong.

4. WHY do you avoid answering the questions or the points that are made against your opinions and seek refuge in: "It is not easy to determine the boundaries of acceptable dialogue." Your refusal to deal with our criticisms of your "private interpretations" demonstrates that you cannot defend your "convictions".

I didn't say that you were: "trying to put anyone back under the Law" I clearly said that you: "are attempting to persuade us to put ourselves back - under the Law (which you have done)."

You have this "knack" of dramatizing, twisting, or expanding on the words that are written (by others) and turning them into something other than what was said!

If you want to continue to call yourself "Tandi the Harmonizer" - have at it; be my guest; it's no skin off of my nose! The ONLY command in the entire Bible in regards to study says: "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, RIGHTLY DIVIDING the word of truth." [2 Timothy 2:15] If you insist on HARMONIZING the Holy Scriptures it's fine with me, I'm not your husband nor do I have any authority over you whatsoever. But on the other hand, God has COMMANDED us to "RIGHTLY DIVIDE" His Holy word - NOT HARMONIZE it.

What are you going to say to God Almighty when you are presented with this verse (and your refusal to OBEY it) because you "preferred" to HARMONIZE the word of truth rather than OBEY God's command to "RIGHTLY DIVIDE" it? Many Christians are going to be "ashamed" at the Judgment Seat of Christ because they failed to obey God's Commandment in regards to the study of His Holy word. {Now there's ONE COMMANDMENT that you should be concerned with.}

I cannot judge who in the Seventh-Day Baptists, Waldensians, or any "other groups in past centuries who continued to keep the Sabbath" was saved, and who was NOT saved (anymore than I can determine who in the Baptist, Evangelical, or Pentacostal (Charasmatic) churches (that DON'T "observe" the Sabbath) are saved and who is NOT!). I have no way of knowing these things since only God knows the hearts of men (and women). I do not concern myself with these matters, because I have no way of determining the answer.

Stay or leave - it's up to you; but be assured of one thing, since you brought my name back up (after I was circumspect in avoiding a confrontation with you) I am going to comment on many of your comments that are clearly in error and unscriptural!

Last edited by George; 05-04-2009 at 02:21 PM.