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Old 04-28-2009, 06:09 PM
Posts: n/a

Hello Tony,

I like your direct approach. No problem there. : )

You assume too much about my beliefs, however. I have said very little here about what I believe.....and if you’ve been to my blog, you see it is pretty eclectic.

My Bible reading actually started with the Gospel of Matthew in a little red Gideon’s New Testament my daughter brought home from fifth grade (KJV). I had just been born again and had no idea where to go from there. I read that “little red Bible” from cover to cover in three days. I immediately identified with Paul and his Damascus Road experience. I also read Psalms and Proverbs which were included in this Bible. About nine months later I bought a full Bible (KJV) and have been reading through the Bible each year since the mid 1980’s using the Bible Pathway devotional guide.

I have attended Baptist and other kinds of churches over the years. We were a pioneering Gothard ATIA home schooling family in the 1980’s, which is probably where I first got my appreciation for the commandments of God as relevant and applicable to my life. I do not consider myself Messianic, Adventist, Jewish, Seventh-Day Baptist, or any other label.....though I have gleaned from many sources, including these. I like to think I just believe what I read in the Bible....but we all could say that and yet disagree with one another on many levels. Yet essentially, our core beliefs are probably pretty similar. Most Christians do not realize they are keeping many of the commandments of God already, as they are written on a true believer’s heart. A true believer wants to please God and walk in His ways.

I will resist debating your points about the Law.....and get back to our Hebrews discussion. I am glad you see Silas as a possibility.There is not much written about him from what I can find online. But he seems to be in the right places at the right times, according to the Biblical accounts of his travels and companions. Regardless of who wrote Hebrews, we need to resolve at least some of the supposed discrepancies. I would love to report back to my Hebrews-doubting intellectual friends that my Hebrews-believing KJV intellectual friends were able to solve some of the problem passages! : )

Where is Steve Avery these days by the way? I would like his input.