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Old 04-27-2009, 01:21 PM
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BornAgainBibleBeliever514 BornAgainBibleBeliever514 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Posts: 100

Personally, I think that Paul was indeed the writer, God the Author.
The idea that its not an epistle, but a sermon to the Hebrews could explain why there wasn't the familiar token signiature. However, just like God's signiatures all throughout the Bible, there are many other clever ways to see Paul's style interwoven in Hebrews.

Perhaps its left unclear at first glance so that the tribulation Jew can just read it for what it says, rather that squabble over if its Jewish enough in its authorship? After all, their time will be short!

God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.
Only if someone is looking to disprove canonicity, divine origin, or generate supposed contradictions by not rightly dividing, will they have a problem with the book of Hebrews.
When one elevates themselves to exact their self-serving 'scholarship', they get blinded to truth.
When one humbles themselves to accept it as perfect, things start to get clearer.

I've enjoyed this thread for all the good exchange of information.
I'm not attacking anyone undecided about Hebrews, as long as you believe it to be perfect and correct in its place, and that it was authored by God the Holy Spirit, I don't care who one thinks wrote it, but just don't doubt its perfection, or you get on a slippery slope of God giving you what your heart desires, like Tandi's friend.
I deal with folks similar to your friend, Tandi, I know its tough! But take courage in that he's actually willing to read it, that in and of itself is God at work before your very eyes!