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Old 04-26-2009, 04:43 AM
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Default Study Notes from Study Bibles

Originally Posted by hollister View Post
Hi all~

I joined because I'm confused. I have a Cambridge KJV that is truly the KJV and I'm very happy with it (I use it for church, primarily). I also have a Thompson Chain Ref. that I love, however, after perusing this site and a few others, I realize that some things have been changed. I thought this was minor (the changes i.e. sin to sins, etc.), but am now beginning to wonder. Are there any Study Bibles/Reference Bibles that are considered to be true King James? I found one from a link from this site, but it says the study notes are from CI Scofield? I don't know who this is, and if this is a good thing or not. For what it's worth, I am a Baptist (fundamental/independent) so would prefer notes that are along those lines. Any guidance? Much appreciated~Hollister.
Hello bro Hollister, I am also new to this forum. Primarily, study bibles like the Old Scofield, The Thompson-Chain Reference Bible and others as they have said are good yet have some dangers in it. The dangers is this:
1. You Study the Notes more than the Text. You will be addicted to read it's footnotes. In this case, we are losing sight to what the Holy Spirit want us to receive from Him. The Holy Spirit should be our guide, our comforter and our teacher( John 15:26). This is actually what happened to me but today I am using most of the time a plain KJV given to me by Graceway Bible Society. I have in my shelf, Thompson-Chain Reference Bible, The New Scofield Bible (not a KJV) which was given to me by the Swiss Seamens Mission based on France, Criswell Study Bible and the KJV Study Bible. Well, they helped me in my studies but you have to consider what I hinted.
2.Footnotes tends towards the correction of the Bible text. Most if not all, tends to correct the proper rendering of the text of our KJV which oftentimes will cast doubts. This is the specialty of the New Scofield Reference Bible.

Brother George, Tony, Samuel have remarked on this and what you have to to do is heed them so that you will no longer be confused.

God bless you brother and welcome to the Forum.