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Old 04-24-2009, 10:44 PM
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Originally Posted by hollister View Post
Hi all~

I joined because I'm confused. I have a Cambridge KJV that is truly the KJV and I'm very happy with it (I use it for church, primarily). I also have a Thompson Chain Ref. that I love, however, after perusing this site and a few others, I realize that some things have been changed. I thought this was minor (the changes i.e. sin to sins, etc.), but am now beginning to wonder. Are there any Study Bibles/Reference Bibles that are considered to be true King James? I found one from a link from this site, but it says the study notes are from CI Scofield? I don't know who this is, and if this is a good thing or not. For what it's worth, I am a Baptist (fundamental/independent) so would prefer notes that are along those lines. Any guidance? Much appreciated~Hollister.
Hollister, don't become dependent on ANY "study Bible". For one, as the years pass the chain references run out as do the study notes. Stay away from the NKJV, and the "New Scofield" of 1967. Neither are KJVs. The best "study" Bible is Swordsearcher, it allows you to make your own study notes. It's worth 100 times it's price. I received one as a gift, it's the nicest gift I ever got in my life.

Take some time and go to this link, study Brother George's little course here from start to finish, I copied it as HTML files. This is a very good foundation to start:

There are others in this forum who will guide you, I just don;t know any study bibles, I never used them and am past the need of them. Before you invest in a study Bible, I'd get a copy of Swordsearcher for your computer. Brandon did this one up right.

I'll post a message I wrote to a man on studying the bible for yourself, glean what is useful to you from it.

Grace and peace, and don't hesitate to to call on us, that's what this forum is for.

Grace and peace to you.
