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Old 04-21-2009, 03:30 AM
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tonybones2112 tonybones2112 is offline
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Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish View Post
Since we're getting off topic and he's not responding anyway...

How do you get pneumonia 21 times...?
do you have a problem with your immune system brother that's gotta be rough...
Brother Parrish, I had an interesting childhood.

The "family" doctor I had as a child was an alcoholic. His prescription to everything, colds, flu, puncture wounds, was sulfa drugs and penicillin. At the age of 39 during my 19th bout of pneumonia, I discovered I was allergic to both, along with onions and marijuana. I had 18 bouts of pneumonia, in varying degrees, till the age of 25. This unknown allergy to penicillin only made me more susceptible to the virus, according to my pulmonologist. I was pretty free till the age of 39, and have had it 2 times since then, and been free of it since 2000 when I began regular anti-pneumonia shots. My doctor I have now is very attentive.

Brother, I think Nehemiah is digesting the vast amount of information given to him, like Jordan in the other thread, I think he's just trying to come to grips with our replies. I guess they thought I cut and run over on FFF, to be honest, I get so much from this forum, the fellowship is so home-like, and days don't have 29 hours, I just don't have time to deal with FFF at the moment. I'm going to set aside one whole day of computer time online to deal with them. Brother George's reply to my query on I Cor. 15:29 was so complete and filled with info I've been most the day checking into that. Nehemiah wants to express himself as we all do and put his two drachmas in, he'll be back. His long reply containing comments to me are unique and interesting, but not after knowledge. I hope he stays and becomes one of us. Off topic? I think Nehemiah arrived at his unique interpretations after much study, but not according to Isaiah 28. Our explanation of the off topic Scripture we discussed and how we arrived at our individual conclusions is a lesson not only to Nehemiah, but unto those who read and don't register in the forum. I think where we differ is: 1. One side is right, the other is wrong, 2. Our own different personalities and beliefs on questions I don't believe there is a clear answer on. I guess it could be said I am nice here and acerbic and rowdy in FFF and giving a "poor witness". I've proven one thing over there: They can dish out arrogance and ridicule, they can't take it.

Brother, you have a great day and...back to the Scriptues.

Grace and peace
