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Old 03-21-2009, 08:39 PM
Winman Winman is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 464

Reminds me years ago when I was knocking on doors with my Pastor trying to lead folks to the Lord, we knocked on one door and an elderly lady answered. My Pastor introduced himself and asked if the lady would like to know how to go to Heaven from the Bible. The lady turned and pointed to a large portrait of the Pope on her wall and said, "That is my God".

And a supervisor I worked for years ago was a very devout Catholic. He was a very serious and stern man, we were all intimidated by him. When his mother died he came in to work, although he took off around noon to go to her funeral. However, when the Pope came to New York (this was around 1980) he took the whole day off to go down and see him. These two occasions are the only two days I can remember he took time off.