Thread: Dr. Ruckman
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Old 03-14-2008, 02:14 AM
Jeff Jeff is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 79
Default More creation gap theory

What interest did satan, a spiritual being, have in the earth, a physical creation, before God made man in His image and placed him in Eden?

God made the earth as kind of a zoo for His pleasure, then satan destroyed it, then God remade the earth to let satan destroy it again?

I know there's a lot my mind can't fathom, but my belief is that God created the physical universe in six literal days. I think a lot of the theorizing is to try to make the scriptures fit the "geological evidence", the so called "fact" of evolution, and such.

What was God doing before creation? I don't know, I imagine there were things going on in the spiritual realm that didn't need a physical creation that are, again, WAY beyond my comphrehension.