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Old 03-15-2009, 09:25 PM
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Kiwi Christian Kiwi Christian is offline
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Posts: 242

Originally Posted by tonybones2112 View Post
We walk by faith and not by sight, but nothing edifies another Christian so much as to let them witness to a lost person. If a Christian don't love sinners then they need to write tracts, wax the church floors, bake pies for the charity auctions. Arthur Blessit logged 36,000 miles on FOOT for sinners, Jesus Christ died for them. What's so hard for us?
Ain't that the truth!

What always has, and probably always will, bug me, is the fact that 20-50-100 professing Bible-believing Christians come together in the same local church services every week, hear the same sermons, read the same Bible, experience the same blessings when together, yet only a few of them are actively serving the Lord through the church ministries? We can all say amen to the preacher in unison, we can all sing the hymns out loud and praise the Lord, yet only a few turn up on the streets to preach & witness, only a few get to church early and enjoy the extra fellowship & prayer, only a few learn their memory verses every week...I won't rant on.

"What's so hard for us" you ask, I suppose it's that 'dying daily' business that Paul spoke about. The older I grow the more of a mystery other peoples (Christians) hearts are to me.