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Old 03-03-2009, 09:36 AM
Bro. Parrish
Posts: n/a
Default Smith & Wesson Model 500

I've been reading about Obama seeking to bring back the Bill Clinton Automatic Weapons Ban. So we went to the gun shop yesterday just to look around, and while we were looking at 1911's I couldn't help but notice a giant handgun in the case, I have shot a Desert Eagle before, but this was much bigger, the largest handgun I have ever seen in a store.

The guy took it out of the case for us and I held the the biggest, heaviest, most powerful factory-production double-action revolver in the world. I felt like Dirty Harry, only now I had a bigger gun than Harry.


The overall length of the Model 500 is 15 INCHES and the empty weight is 4.5 POUNDS.

The .50-cal. cartridges they hold are almost 2 in. long. Load five of them and the total weight of the handgun climbs to 5 POUNDS.

more here, and watch the videos below:

S&W 500 vs. Watermelon
YouTube - Watermelon vs. 50 caliber S&W M500 500 magnum

S&W 500 vs. bowling pin
YouTube - S&W 500 Magnum vs. bowling pin