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Old 02-27-2009, 06:16 AM
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Originally Posted by tonybones2112 View Post
Tandi, I researched the LXX and found the assertion that there is NO LXX prior to 300 AD to be true. There are some BC fragments of Isaiah in Greek but Greek copies of the LXX, if it existed, should have been all over the Roman Empire and there to be many extant copies prior to 300 AD. Many of the Old Latin OT manuscripts that contain the words of God were "sazmizdat", that is, underground copies not approved by the powers that be. Surely copies of an alleged legitimate version as the LXX should have survived also.

My research indoicates Origen to be the author of what is today known as the LXX.

Grace and peace.

Tony Bones
Thank you Tony. This is an especially helpful comment as I deal with my unbelieving scholarly friend. I welcome additional high-powered ammunition from all.....yet I am beginning to realize that skeptics do not want to be convinced, having departed from the faith to embrace atheism. Yet I continue to hope something will be said to turn the prodigal back to the LORD. At least he agreed to read the KJV all the way through. The Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword....!!

My background (and his) is not of the Unconditional Eternal Security persuasion. Yet now I am hoping I have been wrong about that. Why would the LORD continue to impress upon me to continue praying for him? But do backslidden apostates who become outspoken atheists go to Heaven?? I hold onto the Scripture in Proverbs about the righteous falling seven times and getting up again. This friend has only fallen into unbelief three times I think so far. He has been in and out of atheism before and found it "too dark." I cannot comprehend his ability to go from one extreme to another. When he is serving the LORD, he is 200% with dedication. His brain is like a vast theological library......I think the problem is he has too many volumes in the stacks that need to be sorted into the heresy category instead of being accepted and integrated into the rest of his thinking. Then again, he has stated in the past that his behavior tends to dictate his theology rather than his theology dictate his behavior. I am still trying to figure him out. Not sure he has figured himself out.

Continued prayer requested. Do any of you know of a Christian who has converted to Atheism who has re-converted to true, Biblical faith and gone on to walk in faithfulness? Those kinds of testimonies would be an encouragement right about now.

