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Old 02-26-2009, 05:47 PM
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Originally Posted by chette777 View Post
I can verify TMonk's statement. only the books of the Jewish law were translated into Greek under Poltemy Phildelphia? (I think that name is correct). He was only interested in the Law not the history of Israel. He wanted it inthe language of that day Greek to bring into their library of Alexandria for the purpose of bringing together all the good parts of teachings from the world religions for the purpose of making one true religion for all. it developed into the Roman Catholic Church who continued to morph different religious practices into one for the practices of the RC church. i.e. rosary beeads from eastern mystic prayer beeds, mother son worship found throughout Asia and Eurpoe in to MArty and Jesus worship, different gods were replaced with Saints. so instead of the god of harvest you have Saint Labrador, God of protection for travelers you have Saint Christopher and so forth. the Day of the Dad was made All Saints Day

What is known today as the LXX never existed before 250AD
Actually I think mother son worship goes back further to Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz in Babylon.

Originally Posted by tonybones2112 View Post
Tandi, I researched the LXX and found the assertion that there is NO LXX prior to 300 AD to be true. There are some BC fragments of Isaiah in Greek but Greek copies of the LXX, if it existed, should have been all over the Roman Empire and there to be many extant copies prior to 300 AD. Many of the Old Latin OT manuscripts that contain the words of God were "sazmizdat", that is, underground copies not approved by the powers that be. Surely copies of an alleged legitimate version as the LXX should have survived also.

My research indoicates Origen to be the author of what is today known as the LXX.

Grace and peace.

Tony Bones
Yeah, the hexapla iirc.

Peace and Love,