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Old 02-12-2009, 11:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish View Post
Hmm, well other than the top two I have never even been on ANY of those sites. I won't go as far as calling you a jackanapes, but clearly you don't know what you're talking about. However if you want to take your efforts to the top two and gather up all my posts I won't hold it against you, and it would be helpful, as I can add them to my archives easier. Let me know when you have them ready.

If it depresses you don't read it brother, but it's not about depression. The average American has no idea what the liberal agenda means for them, and I'm sad to say many wonderful Christians are just as dumb. Many young people don't know the difference between the UAW and the ACLU, and they don't know how they were started either. Look brother, you and I have a history. I respect your views, but we have had our discussions, and I'm tired of it. I know what you are trying to do here. Please back off my posts, stop being a troll and if you don't like my threads just don't click and we can all remain friends. I trust you can take the mature path with your next reply.
*sigh* Ok, I'm not going to take offense to anything you've written, but I would like to say that you still haven't figured me out. I'm not trying to prevent people from hearing the things you're posting. Every single one of those links I posted I check every single day. The news is very important to me. I'm not trying to bury my head in the sand, and I'm certainly not trying to encourage others to do so. I just think that this forum is for a certain type of content, which can be easily deduced by looking at the url. This thread is similar to your Obama thread, but the reason I haven't considered it inappropriate is because I think it has a redeeming quality in that we should know how to witness to sodomites, and know what to expect from them. But the whole using these forums to link to countless news articles that don't deal with the Holy Bible just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. I understand your passion completely. You have to realize that I'm very much so burdened by the state of the union as well as the state of the Christian Church. But I think we need to keep them seperate, as in we should be able to freely discuss the Bible and topics pertenant to it on one forum, and on another forum discuss politics from a Christian perspective. Perhaps this doesn't make sense to you. Perhaps I am in error, I admit that I could very well be. So don't, PLEASE, don't take my write-ups as me trying to fan the flames between you and I. Personally, I hold no ill feelings towards you. I've enjoyed the discussions we've had when they've related to the Word of God. I hope we can continue to have even more such discussions. Also, I know I'm a bit abrasive at times, which is one of my numerous character defects. So please forgive me for this.

For Jesus' sake,