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Old 02-12-2009, 10:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish View Post
I don't know Bill, but it's an interesting point.
I think homosexuality is nothing new, it's been around a long time and there are sins which are worse in my opinion. From what I have seen over the years, homosexuals are very unhappy (un-gay) and confused people. I think as brother Chambers from Exodus International has proven, they just need to see the love of Christ, and they can repent just like anyone else. The good news is—God's love can overpower and bring freedom from this sin and other sins which are even worse. Sin is simply no match for the power of God!

The purpose of this thread is a little different, it's not to bash sinners, but to expose and educate regarding the AGENDA which is largely being driven by activists, politicians and the media. Some of these activists are homosexual and some are not, but the AGENDA is going to touch all of us in one way or another and faster than we think. This was also the purpose of my Obama thread as well, I had hours of research on there but unfortunately that was deleted with no warning and my efforts are gone. The American people need to be aware of the coordinated effort to radically change our nation by an active and imbedded group of liberal socialists, marxists and anti-God activists, including redefining the family and even re-writing the U.S. Constitution. As my previous posts here show, we have already seen the California Attorney General attacking his own state constitution (see post 4). Religious organizations and churches are quickly being re-branded as "hate groups" (see post 2). We have already seen how the new Administration believes we need to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (post 5). These are highly destructive morality plans being carefully crafted and promoted by a group of government employees (public servants) being paid by our tax dollars. That is what this thread is about.
Oh come on now, your efforts aren't gone. Here, I'll post the links to all the information you shared and then some:
(use discernment on the next two, they're both Lordship Salvation / Calvinist ministries)

There, now anyone who wants to feel depressed about the state of affairs in the United States, as well as the Church, can have at it.

For Jesus' sake,