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Old 02-09-2009, 01:48 PM
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Luke Luke is offline
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Posts: 594

I think that's wives in general bro :P

My wife and I get mad at each other. Sometimes for example, I am thoughtless and just take myself off for a drive to find a nice place to speak to God. These times tend to come on in a hurry, usually while I am out doing something else, like grocery shopping, and instead of taking 40 minutes, I take 2 hours, and I get told off because my wife worries where I have been and we get in big arguments about it.

Regardless of her salvation status at the moment, it sounds like you both need to be more involved with each other. Why didn't you just go to the shop with your wife and son. Maybe invite your wife and son to go look for a new car with you (I realise you have seen the error of this move, so I'm not trying to upset you). I'm not implying the problem is you, but it's not all her fault ether.

The Biblical "onus" is definitely on you to make the first move of reconciliation, regardless of her response, and don't give up if she reponds wrongly.

God bless
Will pray for you Bro.