Thread: Inspired?
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Old 01-25-2009, 04:21 PM
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Originally Posted by George View Post
Just A Thought,

And you need to get some manners and stop being such a SMART ALEC!

Your "childish" and "juvenile" Post in 11/18/08:
Your "cutesy" answer to Brandon (Diligent):
Your "Smart Alecky" answer to MC1171611
Your "Smart Alecky" answer to brother Parrish:
Your "Smarmy" answer to Winman:
Your "Smarty" answer to me:
You must "think" that you are CUTE or FUNNY! Let me tell you you're NOT! I used to be a "Smart Alec" - But that was way back in 1957 when I was a punk teenager; when I "thought" I knew everything! But, after I got saved, I WISED UP! When are you going to do the same? Hmmm?

Let's "cut to the quick" shall we? A review of your Threads & Posts demonstrates that you are full of "loaded" QUESTIONS - just like the Pharisees before you. {"Yea Hath God said"?}

You try to "control" the manner in which we respond to you. {"
You need to take a chill pill. Relax a bit. I wanted to chat about this in a thread instead of read threads from the past."} You asked about the "inspiration" of the King James Bible. I gave you a link to two essays (too long to repeat) in answer to your inquiry. What difference would it make (if you were sincere) WHERE the answer came from? If you were honestly interested in the ANSWER? Hmmm?

Your Posts introduce DOUBT about the veracity of the words of God in the King James Bible.

Your Threads & Posts demonstrate that you are an insincere and disingenuous person, (the Western world is full of people like that - they are called "Sophists") and have no genuine interest in God's truth, but rather you continually call into QUESTION the veracity of the King James Bible.

You have shown a propensity for circular reasoning and a lack of spiritual discernment and understanding. And when someone points out the "error of your way" - you revert to your Cutesy & Smart Alecky answers (thinking you are "Clever").

I never commented on many of your Posts before because other brethren on this Forum were doing quite well proving you to be wrong, but for the record the following are some of the ridiculous claims you have made:

Some Quotes from - "JUST AT THOUGHT":

God DID preserve His word but man has taken it out of context. God's words are true words but if I translate it or copie it I can mess it up. It may not be done on purpose but I am far from perfect! (Maybe this is the only thing you wil agree with me on[IMG]file:///G:/DOCUME%7E1/GEORGE%7E1/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image001.gif[/IMG]) I can mess it up while meaning well.”

IF "God DID preserve His word" - WHERE IS IT? According to you: NO TRANSLATION can EVER be the Holy word of God! Just exactly WHERE are God's WORDS? - NOT THE WORD! {The TWO are NOT THE SAME!}

They ALL AGREE? Are you serious? I have a nine year old grandson that has better reading comprehension than that! They don't ALL SAY THE SAME THING! How can it be that they ALL AGREE? (Circular Reasoning)

This kind of QUESTION (always "Questioning") is pure "Sophistry". You don't want to really know the answer to your question (disingenuous). You are trying to sow DOUBT about the King James Bible. You have no more interest in the truth, or in edifying the brethren. You just think that you are CLEVER, coming up with "Just A (another) Thought"!

Pardon my ignorance" - This kind of "feigned" humility is not sincere. Again, you don't really want to know the answer to your QUESTION (always "Questioning"), you just want to introduce ambiguity or confusion about the issue.

{That would be fine: IF you used them for CLARIFICATION (although I never do) and IF you didn’t use it for CHANGING God’s Holy words – which you do!}

Psa 12:6 The wordes of the Lorde are pure wordes, as the siluer, tried in a fornace of earth, fined seuen folde.
Psa 12:7 Thou wilt keepe them, O Lord: thou wilt preserue him from this generation for euer. – Geneva {WHO or WHAT is THEM? WHO is HIM?}

Psa 12:6 The wordes of God be wordes pure, as the siluer tryed in a furnace of earth: and purified seuen times.
Psa 12:7 [Wherfore] thou wylt kepe the godly, O God: thou wylt preserue euery one of them from this generation for euer. –Bishops {WHERE did the “GODLY” come from?}
Do the two Bible versions above say the SAME THING? I trow NOT!

What does the Holy Bible say?
Psalms 12:6 The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
7 Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.

{Unless you intend to CHANGE the Holy words of God – There is NO WAY that you can say that :”Both of these say the same thing as thier meaning, so does the KJV. It is simply miss read do (due) to the working that the translators chose.The two Translations DO NOT SAY THE SAME THING!}

Perhaps you meant to say: Both of these say the same thing as (to) thier (their) meaning, so does the KJV. It is simply miss read do (due) to the working (wording) that the translators chose.Can you see how the “right” words in a statement can help clarify the meaning? Just exactly like the King James Bible Translators (48-54 Men – NOT a single individual or a handful) helped clarify the “confusion” of the words used in the prior English translations?

"no reason to use this guy" Then why go ahead and use it? Hmmm? Smart Alec's can't be choosy - if people choose to ignore or disregard their "Cutesy" comments, or if we refuse to take you seriously.

I have yet to see one post that proves the KJV is superior to the Geneva or any other Bible of that time period." That's simply because you have either not taken the time to search out the issue (on this Forum & elsewhere). Or you refuse to accept what has been written.

"I am certainly no critic to the KJV." You certainly are! Your Threads & Posts call into question the veracity of the King James Bible at every turn!

Keep in mind that most KJVOs are hardcore individuals and mean well. There is, however, usually no way of changing thier minds or expecting a straight answer sometimes. If they have a good answer they are swift to give it. If they do not have a good answer they are gruff and sometimes very rude. They are good people though. They can have a love for God and feel they are doing His service by fighting those who disagree with them so gruffly.”

FLATTERY will get you nowhere on this Forum, especially when (at every opportunity) you disparage our HOLY BIBLE!

Your "Moniker" is very "appropriate" - "JUST A THOUGHT", since you have NO FINAL AUTHORITY other than your own personal "THOUGHTS" (opinions)! On second "THOUGHT" I think you should CHANGE it to: "Just A BUNCH of Thoughts" - I think that would be far more "appropriate".

You have NO FINAL AUTHORITY in all matters of faith and practice, and as such, you are going to be in opposition on many issues to those of us who are genuine Bible (The Bible = A BOOK that you can hold in your hands) believers.

You are NOT here to edify the brethren, or to seek edification yourself. Your Threads & Posts have demonstrated (over & over again) that you are only interested in spreading doubt, discord, and confusion amongst the brethren on this Forum.

Your reasons for being here are both childish and selfish, which shows that you are just another "immature Christian" trying to prove that you "know something" that we don't.

I've raised seven children to adulthood, and at present have 17 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. I know how to deal with smart alecky children (I've had lots of practice). And that is you don't give them an inch!

You may rest assured that I won't give you an inch either - for "Christians" that are
insincere and disingenuous do not deserve our hospitality. They deserve to be dealt with as disobedient and disrespectful children!
Wow! You have some serious issues. I guess "smart alec" me has really ticked you off but what can I say? I guess I am to "childish" to be a grown up like yourself. I am only here to cast doubt with my "loaded" questions...

Make sure you stay on me....O ya, and don't give me an inch either!

See...I can be a smart alec however most of which you are accusing me off is far from it. You need to relax and realize not every "CBC" is out to get you or anyone else for this forum. You are crying wolf over someone who is truly trying to figure some things out. If I do not understand it then I have evey right to ask. Also, I prefer to chat than read everyones posts from the past. I read plenty of web pages and books on the issue, sometimes I just prefer to have a conversation.