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Old 01-23-2009, 09:58 PM
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chette777 chette777 is offline
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Now I don't disagree with what any of you share. I am just looking at the words and thinking deeply on these things especially the books and the Lamb's book.

I know I didn't quote a whole lot of scriputre. But it does say in a twinkling of an eye the corrupt will put on corruption and the mortal immortality. It wouldn't take seven years plus a millennium to make ourselves ready and present ourselves as a city bride to the Lamb.

I don't think the rewards are garments nor are they given to make ourselves ready. those are the things given from the master to the servant as a matter of the servants good stewardship. when that takes place we are already perfected in glory.

I realize the words don't say the righteousness of the Saints but the "rightiousness of Saints". still I think this would imply that "the rightiousness of saints" is Jewish saints not Church Age saints, and their righteousness is part of their slavation in the tribulation acording to 2Peter 3:14 be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless. By the time of Rev 19 we are already with Christ and finished at the judgement seat of Christ, and returning with him when he comes agaist them in the very next chapter.

Thanks for the insitghts keep them coming