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Old 01-23-2009, 02:28 PM
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MC1171611 MC1171611 is offline
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Originally Posted by Just_A_Thought View Post
Keep in mind that most KJVOs are hardcore individuals and mean well. There is, however, usually no way of changing thier minds or expecting a straight answer sometimes. If they have a good answer they are swift to give it. If they do not have a good answer they are gruff and sometimes very rude. They are good people though. They can have a love for God and feel they are doing His service by fighting those who disagree with them so gruffly.
And we keep this joker around because why?

The statement follows verse SIX, not verse FIVE. To say that verse SEVEN is talking about verse FIVE and not verse SIX is STUPID because that is a grammatical ERROR to do something so ignorant.

I hugged my wife.
I killed a man.
They put me in jail.

In effect, you're saying that they put me in jail for hugging my wife. That's the ludicrous ignorance that you're pushing here, and I'm flat tired of it, as are all the people that actually BELIEVE THE BIBLE. You don't believe the Bible, we understand; but go to a forum where you can talk with other apostates who believe like you do. You'll be much happier there, trust me.