Originally Posted by MC1171611
Like my dad said yesterday when I broached this topic with him, there is little room for anyone to criticize ANY of Job's friends: they were better friends (they sat, silent and fasting, with Job for SEVEN DAYS!) than any one of us would probably be, to my chagrin.
However, I have to disagree with you, Bibleprotector; I do not believe that Elihu presumed anything. He claims to be speaking under the power of the Spirit (32:8) and like Bro. George pointed out, God seems to echo Elihu's statements. I believe that Elihu was 100% right in his approach to Job: he showed deference toward men of old age and he spoke with respect, and he was the only one in the whole mess that didn't get rebuked for anything by God.
Based on the evidence, I think we can fully absolve Elihu of any wrongdoing whatsoever (not that it was our place anyhow); at least God did so.
Aloha MC1171611,
Your dad sounds "like my kind of guy".

And I'm in agreement with him. I do not think that Job's "friends" were NOT truly his friends.
The trouble is they
misjudged the guy, and they
misjudged God. I don't know how many times I have been guilty of doing the same thing about one of my friends; or a member of my family; or another brother in Christ; or of God Himself; but I'll bet that it's easily more than the number of fingers & toes on my body - a whole lot more! (to my shame

It's obvious from this record from the Holy Scriptures that God definitely DOES
NOT "LIKE" it when we misjudge people! And that is why we have the
warnings concerning this issue.
Matthew 7:1-2; Luke 6:37; John 7:24}