Hi Tim,
Help me understand the quoted material above. Are you asserting that those of us who hold that King James Bible to be the preserved Word of God are in the minority?
If so, do you have facts that support that position? Facts that support the position that of all the believers in the world, the majority do not believe the King James is the preserved Word of God in English?
Whether it's significant or not is a different question, but yes, the percentage of believers in the world who believe that the KJV is exactly equivalent to the Word of God is less than one percent.
I my own, Reformed tradition, none of the larger denominations have your view in their confessional statements. In Baptist circles, none of the larger denominations hold this. And it's the same with other traditions. And surely you know that the KJV was banned on the Mayflower.
Did you honestly think that a large number of Christians share your views on the subject?