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Old 12-12-2008, 01:26 PM
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Originally Posted by BrianT View Post
Hi Bro. Parrish,

Can you actually stay on topic and answer my questions? Thanks.

Someone being a heretic or teaching heresy doesn't mean that they are lost, and people get saved out of Bible perversions all the time.

Being a heretic or teaching heresy means that God is not going to bless you or your ministry as far as the heresy goes, and I believe that Peter's "damnable heresies" are a step above (or below, so to speak) simple "heresy"; perhaps those are the falsehoods that cause cults like the LDS, JWs or Christian Science and not only mislead people but put thousands or millions of them in Hell.

Questioning and casting doubt upon His words is undoubtedly in the "damnable heresies" category, if that answers your question.

Again: why are you still here? "Only by pride cometh contention."