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Old 12-11-2008, 10:56 PM
Posts: n/a

I naturally meant the AV.

If this is a forum for people who think the KJV of 1611 is exactly synonymous with the Word of God, then I doubt anyone here has the learning to answer the question that was my reason for registering, namely how many Byzantine texts have the word tree as opposed to book in Rev. 22:11, because the answer would take work, and not blind faith.

Also, being in agriculture, I'm sure you could understand that an "oak" tree is not a "pistachio" tree. So either 1) you think the King James Bible is wrong, and therefore you have set yourself up as an authority over God's word, or 2) you're playing Devil's advocate, which isn't a very profitable hobby, especially on a board such as this.
Being in Agriculture and speaking several languages, including Afrikaans (dual US/SA citizenship) I can think of a third option: 3) That the Hebrew word means either oak or pistachio or another large tree, so we can hold to either word without option 1) or 2).

Incidentally, the Afrikaans Ou Vertaling, which is the Afrikaans equivalent of the KJV uses a term for Terebinth-South Africans knowing a bit more about Mideastern botany than those Church of England divines. But perhaps God only speaks English?

Moderator/s: I would please like to know now whether membership in this forum is dependent on believing that every word in the KJV is literally God's word, and there is no possibility of better translations of the Greek and Hebrew underlying texts.