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Old 12-06-2008, 05:48 AM
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Default What do you do at a Red Traffic Light ?

Originally Posted by BrianT View Post
Hi pbiwolski,

THANK YOU. Finally someone, after 9 pages in this thread, acknowledges my question of authority. However, either you don't quite understand the point, so I have problems seeing how your answer makes sense:
< snipped for brevity >

To paraphrase you: After 10 pages in this Thread: We now learn that you (Brian T.) do not know that St. Luke penned his Gospel in Greek, or that Hosea was penned in Hebrew.

If you are wanting people on this forum to find a verse for YOU that does not exist,,,: "The King James Authorized Version of the Bible is true and it is the correct version for Faith and Practise." --- You are wasting your time and ours---YOU followed Will K. over here from another site where you are one of the Mods. and can get what you want/say what you want... Not here.

Instead of coming up with retorts and replies... Do a simple test: Pick up a K.J.V./A.V. and read say-- John chapter 4 (one of my favorite chapters) --- then pick up whatever "flavor-of-the-month translation you have handy and read the same chapter. Now, BrianT. ,,, be honest; Which one(s) sounded/read like something "Godly" and which ones read like mushy/slushy.?

Brian T.--- I would suggest that rather than trying to win your arguement on this forum (which I warned you about in my first Post in this thread) , you would spend some time reading Halley's Bible Handbook, and getting some good basic Background information about the Bible. Please look at some of the charts and information on the front page of this website.

Have you ever read the book titled: "Defending The King James Version Of The Bible" , by Dr. Hills ? Read that one. He was not a "country bumpkin" or a uneducated loud-mouthed doofus. Click over to the Trinitarian Bible Society's website and look at/read their articles about the A.V-K.J.V. in the margin. There is good info out there. "Take up and Read!"