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Old 12-01-2008, 05:54 PM
Vendetta Ride
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Originally Posted by KJBPrincess
Very well said, VR!
Thank you, sister. But it need not have been said at all; Brothers Kinney and T roped me into it, like a newborn calf, when there was already a separate thread about the subject that I hadn't noticed!

Originally Posted by PB1789
I think the Post by "Vendetta Ride" was well done wherein he mentioned the various Bible versions/translations. He stole my sermon.
I resent that, brother. I was stealing from somebody else!

Originally Posted by bibleprotector
The seven purifications leading to the KJB cannot be the Gothic, and is not the Wycliffe (it had no real influence on the KJB).
Thank you for your post, brother, which I have not quoted in full. I do not intend to bandy words with you about the relative importance of the translations of Wycliffe contra Rolle and others; and I certainly have no wish to trace the history of the English language back to the ancient Sanskrit. I think that you are underestimating the importance of the Gothic in the development of the English Bible, but my days of teaching English are behind me, and it doesn't sound like you need an instructor in any case. In the grand scheme of things, I'm not sure that this is the most major of points.

The "seven purifications in English" is not something that I dreamed up after eating a bushel of bad oysters; I am neither knowledgeable nor imaginative enough to devise such a thing. But I fear that my post has been misunderstood, possibly because it was poorly written: I did not suggest that the English "purifications" were the direct fulfillment of Psalm 12:6, 7. I am uncomfortable quoting myself, but I specifically said:

We talk about Ps. 12:6, 7, and we speculate as to the nature of the seven purifications; but we don't always realize that, apart from the Old Latin and the Koine Greek and all that stuff, there have also been seven purifications in English - - - and only seven. The AV was the last ... Please understand: I'm not limiting Ps. 12:6, 7 to the development of the English language! I think the verses go much deeper than that, and refer to much more. But isn't it interesting that the development of the English Bible came in seven stages?
That's all that I was saying. I said that that that was all that I was saying, and that's all that I said. See what I'm saying?

Originally Posted by Brian T
- Psalm 12:6 is using a simile. The verse is saying that God's words are (not will be) pure. How pure? Pure as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. That's pretty darn pure.
Thank you, brother, for taking the time to explain your position to me so clearly. (And thank you for reminding me of what a simile is; I might have gotten it mixed up with a metaphor! Horrors!) But, once again, I was not claiming that the development of the English Bible, from Gothic to 1611, was a direct fulfillment of prophecy. Counting my original post, I have now said that four times, which, I hope, will suffice.

I do not believe that the King James Bible is the only written word of God on earth.

But I do believe, with all my heart and soul and mind, that it is the only word of God in English. (It is mischievous to say that "we still have the Geneva and other translations." Yes, a few copies may be extant, but they are not in use; any more than the Royal Shakespeare Company uses the original First Folio for rehearsal. I'm talking about Bibles that are being produced, marketed, and read.) In that, I think I am in agreement with the majority of posters in this thread - - - even bibleprotector, who so heartlessly attacked me because I mentioned the Gothic.

But, as you can see, we "KJB Only" people (a term I dislike, by the way) do not all think alike, and we do not always agree.

It's a good discussion. However, a very friendly word of correction: either you or Brother Kinney referred to me as "Vendetta Drive." This simply must not stand. The Vendetta Ride was a historical incident of great import, and must not be mislabelled.