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Old 11-24-2008, 11:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish View Post
Well, keep going then if you want to brother, that won't keep me from saying you're out of line. I wouldn't presume to know if another believer is "obsessed" or "blinded." But somehow these do indeed strike me as disrespectful comments from your keyboard.

Marriage covenant, I thought we were talking about views on abortion. Sorry, I still say calling people "ignorant" and retarded because we disagree with them is inappropriate. I think at least two of us of here picked up on it. You're old enough/smart enough to see and avoid this, brother.
I never called anyone retarded. I never even used that word. But her comments were ignorant, and it doesn't make me disrespectful for pointing it out when I feel that her comments could cause a young Christian woman to stumble if faced with the situations we're talking about.

2 Timothy 4:2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. (am I now not old enough or smart enough for doing just this?)

And it is beyond me how you can't see that the doctrine of marriage plays a huge role in resolving this issue we're here discussing.

Genesis 2:24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. (not elect to let her die a preventable death, so a premature baby might live, without a mother none the less.)

Did you even read what she wrote Bro. Parrish?

I'm a mom to two young boys and my husband said he would never want to lose me, but both us and our church believe that murder is wrong for ANY reason. I don't know why this concept is so difficult for's emotional for sure, but the Biblical commands are clear (can I get a book chapter and verse?) here so we just have to put our emotions in check and OBEY.
This comment is pure rhetoric and completely sensational. She hasn't backed up a word of hers with Scripture.

And then we had this:

Having a premature baby is far different from having an abortion because the mother "will" die (in the doctors OPINION anyway). Trusting God is not murdering the wife, it's saying "we will obey God by not murdering our baby, and trust Him with the wife's life".
Seriously? The denial of medical attention which WILL result in the death of an already living and breathing soul isn't murder? This reminds me of a recent bit of news I read:

So tell me, where does it say in Scripture that we Christians must trust God to heal us instead of say taking a prescribed antibiotic or even say an aspirin? Is it being an unfaithful Christian to use a doctor and his services to provide for the well being of our families?

I normally wouldn't get so frustrated over this issue, but I don't like it when people accuse the brethren of not OBEYING something that isn't even spoken of in Scriptures. I believe we need to stand strong on solid NT doctrine, not half hazard conjectures based on OT Scriptures.

For Jesus' sake,