Originally Posted by fundy
 Hello Fundy! The "North Star" is the name of it. The Lord God placed that up there so folks in the Northern Hemisphere could find North even without a compass!
{ Yaa know---- If anyone ever starts feeling "big" or "really important" ,,, just go outside some chilly-clear sky night and look up in the sky... (Up here-about 10:00/11:00 pm or 2200/2300 hours.)... just try counting the stars, and then after giving up... just imagine that Our Creator put all those up there! Reminds me of a great Hymn: "How Great Thou Art!" }
Good to read that about the Gun store... We had been told that the Socialists and limpwrists in your Parliament had outlawed firearms after that nut-case (american speak= lunatic/crazy) in Tazmania killed some people. That has happened here also,,, and the correct way to stop it is to Shoot Back! Not punish the honest, Law-abiding citizen. BTW-- There is a book written by a Christian man living in South Africa, who was carrying a weapon in church service when some terrorists came into the Church. He stopped them! {World Net Daily had the story and now is selling his book.}
Just the other day ( 2 after the election) I went to our local store and much of the ammo was ggooonnneee from the shelves... I got the next to the last box of .38 specials. All the .22 rimfire was sold and the .30-30 and .30-06, gone! Most of us up here don't trust the moslem politician without a birth certificate!
As to the Military--- Yes. Did a hitch with the Marines many moons ago, and have been in the Army National Guard (Which is a Reserve/Part-Time part of the Military) off and on for 14 some years. Came back in after the followers of the moon god of Mecca attacked us on Sept. 11 2001. Was slated to be deployed to Iraq in 2007, but the Doctor at the medical screening said I had "shortness of breath", and my left knee audibly popped when he had me do an up and down squat--  ... guess I'm not 18 years old anymore...!
My son is Active Duty Air Force, assigned up here in at a Base that gets soo cold that it doesn't snow...rather it is called Ice fog, and the windshield wipers don't work on it! ( Near Fairbanks) and is married to the daughter of an Ind. Fund. Bapt. Church Pastor in Texas--(that's the State that has more story-tellers than all of the Anzacs put together...  ). He got back from a deployment to the "Hot Zone' last January, and re-enlisted while he was "over there"...( He did that because he thinks he is doing something worthwhile)...the newsies and the peaceniks never mention that in the Press! He now out ranks his Dad.
Glad to read also that the American export Pastor is doing well "Down-Under".  Too often what we export isn't all that good anymore---bad movies--bad recordings (I can't say singing, because it isn't singing...it's just noice pollution and moral trash.) , and bad Bible translations, and "seeker-sensitive"/easy believism.
Hope all is well with you and the brethern and sisters there. I just found a good Psalm that fits with what I said about the stars toward the beginning of the post. Psalm 8. Amen. Good night.
Note to Traditional Anglican: Sorry for going waaay off topic with your Thread. { But, at least I answered your question on the other Thread (Island) instead of "not getting it"..  }
HI PB, thanks for your reply,I should have realised that it was the North star on your flag, but thought it may have have been placed there to represent something...for example,the large 7 pointed star under the Union Jack on our flag is called the star of federation and represents the 7 states and territories of Australia.
No, they didnt get all of our guns, not even close to all.
Oppressive gun laws are being slowly reeled back as the cost and difficulty of registration becomes more obvious to government. We have in the upper house of the NSW state govrnment 2 "shooters party" members representing the rights and concerns of firearms owners.
The type of limp wristed pansies that oppose us in this are represented by a "greens" member who, recenly, happlily posed for a photo with his boyfriend while lying on a pile of persian carpets in the boyfiends exotic carpet store....( excuse me while I throw up...)
We have regular visits by American pastors to our, and other independant Baptist Churches...sure,plenty of garbage comes out of the U.S, but I thank God for the U.S.A all the time...i've been there several times and like and admire the people.
Tell your son, from an old ANZAC, that plenty of people around the world appreciate his efforts in keeping us all free, despite what the lefty media says.
Psalm 8 is wonderful, I used it recently to answer a man who asked me how I, as a Christian, could reconcile taking a rifle in order to hunt and kill one of "Gods creatures".....THE WORD OF GOD IS QUICK AND POWERFUL....
God Bless,
Sorry TA....