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Old 11-10-2008, 06:37 PM
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MC1171611 MC1171611 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
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Posts: 436

You believe him to be a heretic. I simply believe him to be a man who is wrong on a doctrine, albeit a serious one. That does not make him a heretic: a heretic is one who rejects the word of God intentionally or twists it to benefit himself. Greg Estep has not done this: he sincerely believes what he teaches. He is wrong, and you're largely correct in your statement of his unbiblical doctrine, but it's the spirit of your communication that is in error.

He may be wrong, but you approach it even more wrongly. His name was mentioned ONCE, and you've completely derailed a topic to make your point over and over again, which is well understood, just rejected by most because of your overreaction. He sincerely teaches a wrong doctrine, and while it must be exposed as wrong, the rest of his teachings aren't "heretical" as a result, as you seem to think.

Again, an attitude check (against the Scriptures) is to be recommended.