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Old 11-10-2008, 05:14 PM
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stephanos stephanos is offline
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Originally Posted by Rightful_Thinking View Post
I read during my lunch break at work and I always keep reading material in my car for one of those unexpected "Ma'am it'll be about a 30 minute wait" situations. And I like to take my own reading material into a doctor's office. People in the waiting rooms there are not always the healthiest and I don't care for sharing reading materials that sit around all day in a contageous environment.

Another question about reading: what books do you introduce to your children as they become of reading age? I remember growing up on Sugar Creek Gang, The Bobbsey Twins, Five Little Peppers, Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys and Walter Farley's Black Stallion series. When I was older, Zane Grey, Emily Loring and Grace Livingston Hill. I read each of Zane Grey's books at least 3 times.

My mom used to read to us before bedtime. I remember The Yearling, Bambi and Little Women. I'm convinced the bedtime reading time that was a family ritual instilled my love of reading. First part of reading was always from the Bible and second half of reading was fiction. She seemed to always find a cliff-hanger chapter to finish the session and it always left us eager for more!

I also remember learning to crochet and embroider during the Billy Graham Crusades (on radio) and later even a bit of Mystery Theater.
I would read to my children (if the Lord were to bless me with a wife and chittlins that is) Where the Red Ferns Grow, since this was the book I still remember my mother reading me. I would also read to them The Hobbit, since this was the book that inspired me to get into reading. I also would read Scripture to them as well every day.

Thanks for the response btw.

Peace and Love,