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Old 03-01-2008, 02:54 PM
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Originally Posted by sting of truth View Post
i thought you were going to answer my question.. here let me ask it again. in one sentance, maybe 2.. here it goes so pay attention

if the king james bible has a single error, which english bible, or any bible for that matter gives me all 66 books of the bible that are without error? and tell me where i can buy copies of them. because i want the written, inerrant, divinely preserved word of God...
What you demand, an infallible copy or an infallible translation may not exist!

Copyists and translators all make mistakes. The original apograph is inspired. The authors of Scripture did not make mistakes. The copyists and translators do their best to reproduce a faithful witness of the apograph, but they make mistakes. Technology has diminished the possibility of mistakes, but they still occur. The finished work is inspired in the sense that it reproduces the original. When you try to apply inspiration to the translators of KJV or the copyists of the Greek manuscripts in the same way that the apostle Paul was inspired you have a problem. First, the Scripture never makes such a claim. Second, none of the extant manuscripts perfectly agree and further even after many revisions the KJV today has two versions that do not perfectly agree (Oxford and Cambridge).

In His providence God chose to preserve His Word in the plethora of extant witnesses. No other document of antiquity is represented as well as the text of Scripture. Perhaps one of the reasons we do not have the Apostle Paul’s original letters is because some in the church would likely make it some sort of relic to be worshiped. Another reason may be that some in the church may not be willing to share its contents freely with the public. I do not know of all the reasons why God chose to preserve His Word in this manner, since He did this must be the best way.

You may ignore the facts if you wish and believe what you want, but like the people in the story about the Emperor’s new clothes your faith does not change reality.