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Old 11-09-2008, 04:01 AM
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George George is offline
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Location: Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
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Default Re: atlas' comments - Greg Estep

"He teaches a few classes at the Bible college I attend and is a wonderful teacher. The college is a Bible believing college also. . . . .

I still think Dr. Estep is a good man and is a man of God. I'd still recommend him to anyone. He is not an apostate no matter what George or others may say."
Aloha brother Atlas,

It's not about "what George or others may say"! It's all about "WHAT SAITH THE SCRIPTURE"! What I (and others) have to say is "irrelevant"! What God has to say is PARAMOUNT! And those Christians who "profess" to be King James Bible believers are duty bound to obey the Scriptures when it comes to False Teachers and Heretics (even if they teach in a "Bible School" where you attend, and even if you "like" them.)

Can you tell me by the evidence that I have presented in regards to the so-called "Doctrine of Submission" as to whether it is "HERESY"? YES _____ or NO _____ {Scripture Please}

If it is "HERESY" - what does that make Greg Estep? {Scripture Please}

How is it possible for a man who promotes "HERESY" to be (in your own words): "a wonderful teacher"; "a good man"; "a man of God"? {Scripture Please}

Does a LITTLE LEAVEN leaven the whole lump? YES _____ or NO _____ {Scripture Please}

Is the so-called "Doctrine of Submission" LEAVEN? YES _____ or NO _____ {Scripture Please}

If it is "LEAVEN", then what difference does it make if Estep teaches "some doctrine" correctly? {The Roman Catholic church has the Deity of Christ; the Virgin Birth; the Godhead ("Trinity"); and several other major doctrines "right", but it is (and has been from its inception) the most "heretical" and "leavening" influence in "Christianity"!}

Can you name a more DAMNABLE HERESY than a man wanting to displace the Lord Jesus Christ in HIS OWN CHURCH? {Please name the "heresy" - Scripture Please}.

I personally don't care what people may "say" or "believe" or "feel" about Greg Estep. For you to say that you would "still recommend him to anyone" after having read the 52 pages of testimony (from his own mouth) that I have presented on my web site - demonstrating, over and over again, that the man continually teaches "False Doctrine" and "Heresy" in his 4 Tape Series (Titled - "The Doctrine of Submission") absolutely astounds me!

Can you not see that the sin that Estep and his followers are guilty of is exactly the same sin that Satan was guilty of when he fell? ?

Isaiah 14:12
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be LIKE the most High.

The following are some of Esteps most perverse quotes:
“the one and only head and shepherd of the local church is the God-called and Spirit-filled pastor, JUST AS Jesus Christ is the Head and Chief Shepherd over the entire church;"

"I mean if there’s a problem in your church, what ah, you know what sometimes preachers the only thing they’ll do is they’ll go to God and say: God here’s a problem, oh God, You gotta work this- Hey! GOD’S NOT THE PASTOR OF THAT CHURCH! He’s put YOU down there so YOU could take care of it.”

“Look! Jesus Christ is the Head of the Body of Jesus Christ. Right! Whether you call it a church, I don’t care what you call it. The Bible calls it a church in Ephesians 1:22.You can call it the church in prospect, you can call it the church in promise, prophecy, I don’t care! It doesn’t matter! Just get in it! OK? That’s all that really counts. But He is the Head of the Body; HE IS NOT THE HEAD OF THE LOCAL CHURCH. . . . . “Look! Jesus Christ is the Head of the Body of Jesus Christ. Right! Whether you call it a church, I don’t care what you call it. The Bible calls it a church in Ephesians 1:22.You can call it the church in prospect, you can call it the church in promise, prophecy, I don’t care! It doesn’t matter! Just get in it! OK? That’s all that really counts. But He is the Head of the Body; HE IS NOT THE HEAD OF THE LOCAL CHURCH.

"Look! He says that He’s the Chief Shepherd. That means, that tells me that a man who is an elder in 1 Peter Chapter 5 is an under-shepherd I’m not the Chief Shepherd. He’s the Chief Shepherd. BUT, I AM THE CHIEF SHEPHERD HERE!”

“In a local church where God has given ME the AUTHORITY OVER THOSE PEOPLE, TO RULE THOSE PEOPLE, NOBODY ELSE!""Preacher have you got people in your church that don’t hear your voice? They ain’t sheep!

"What should I do then? If I recognize somebody’s not a sheep, what should I do? I sure shump man, before they get to the sheep. If I let them stay there I’m destroying my own flock!"

“Okay. You say well boy you sound like you’re a dictator. Yes sir, I just about am, but you’ve got to realize that I’m also – the head of every man is Christ. I’m not, I’m not without authority. I have authority over men. Not only that, just to help you out, I’m a member of ShadyAcresBaptistChurch. Jack Woods is my pastor. I joined that church one night in camp meeting down there because I realized here I was trying to tell people they need to have some authority and I had none over me. So I joined ShadyAcresBaptistChurch cause he’s my pastor. When I need counseling, when I need help, I have a man to go to. Man I, I’m not going to be there isn’t anybody down here smart enough to figure this stuff out all by yourself. You say: Oh well, I’ve got the Bible and the Holy Spirit. Help yourself man. Help yourself. You’ll find God gives you men to help you. He don’t talk to you directly.”

"Listen! If I as the pastor have admonished a man to tithe, and for 5 or 10 years after he’s been in my church, he still isn’t tithing, is he my sheep? I just, I’ve got tithing records out in my car right now. I’m getting ready to look over what the folks brought in. If I find somebody in there, in there that just quit obeying, I’m going to go to them and find out why! ‘If a brother be overtaken in a fault’. You Know what I’ll - you say preacher – hey, hey, hey, hey. If that guy isn’t tithing now, you know what he’ll be doing in 2 years? He’ll be opposing me actively! Amen. Amen. Amen! Sure!”

If there’s a problem, you know it won’t take long, that guy will probably come up to you and say: We just don’t think this is right now, and immediately you say: OK Lord I get the message. Say: Let’s you and I step down in my office and have a talk. Don’t! Let me give you a hint, don’t go to their home and talk to them.Cause you see he’s master of his home. You, you take him into that office, where you’re the master!” “You take him to that home boy and you’re outnumbered; wife and kids, their against ya. Yes sir. Amen. He’s been there. Ha, ha, ha, ha, amen.”
How can you possibly say that Estep is a: "a wonderful teacher"; "a good man"; "a man of God"? After reading the above? Hmmm? How could you possibly "recommend him" to anyone after reviewing his perverse teachings presented not only here, but the entire 52 page critique of his 4 Tape Series? We are not only talking about the "Damnable Heresy of "The Doctrine of Submission" - Those 4 tapes demonstrate, over and over again, that the man can not teach the Bible, and anything that he might get right, he probably stole from others since he has shown (in the 4 tapes) that he has so little Biblical discernment.

Where are the Scriptures in your Posts #75 & #79 brother? All I see is your personal "feelings" and "opinions". Give me some Scripture to back up what you believe.

Is it possible that you may be influenced by "respect of persons" regarding (Dr.) Greg Estep? YES _____ or NO _____

Last edited by George; 11-09-2008 at 04:12 AM.