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Old 11-03-2008, 06:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Brother Tim View Post
Though we have covered this elsewhere, I will repeat, because of the above reference to Scripture defining Scripture. Count the number of times fornication and adultery appear in the same list within a verse or passage. The Scriptures distinguish between the two.

As to the Biblical defining of marriage as the initial sexual union, then what do you do with this?
Culturally, they were man and wife at the betrothal. That many times occurred a ear in advance of the wedding feast and subsequent consummation. Also, Mary and Joseph are a slightly different circumstance from the run-o'-the-mill couple.

In Scripture, fornication is any sexual impropriety, from pre-marital or extra-marital sex to sodomy and bestiality. Adultery is used to speak specifically of extra-marital sexual relationships. Yes, Webster's is a great tool, but God's definitions are better.