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Old 11-03-2008, 04:40 PM
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atlas atlas is offline
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Location: Dallas Texas
Posts: 463


Bro. Greg was very kind and compassionate.
I never went to his church, but he came to ours for years and always preached very well and taught the Bible very well. Dr. Lackey used to preach up there and loved Dr. Estep.

I heard he ran the church like he owned the place, but you hear all kinds of things. Hearing something dose not make it true. I have saved what Bro. George wrote and will read it all later. I know he and his church did a mighty work for the Lord so he did something right. Maybe he was a little over bearing. I have no idea.

I did not know he and Ruckman split. I did know they ran together for years. That is a bad thing to split over.

I always liked Dr. Sammy Allen, Dr. Jack Wood, Dr. Estep, Dr. Don Green, Dr. Billy Kanoy and Dr. Ruckman the best of any that came to our church. Allan, Green and Kanoy never ran with Ruckman. I think it was over the marriage issue. That crap never bothered me. I liked them all as did Dr. Lackey, and I learned from all of them. Just because someone dose not like Ruckman dose not mean they are not a Godly man or a wonderful preacher. if you have never heard any of the guys preach check them out. They were all good. Dr. Lackey some how got along with them all and they all loved him. He was an unusual man in that way. He never split with any of them. Maybe we all need to be a little more like Dr. Lackey. Even Dr. Halyes and Dr. Lackey got along fine. I know many of you do not like Dr. Halyes, but he was God's man and Dr. Lackey defended him and preached with him also back in the early days and loved him till the day he died. Some of those Sword of the Lord boys were not all that bad, some of them are very bad.


Last edited by atlas; 11-03-2008 at 04:52 PM.