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Old 11-01-2008, 02:39 PM
Traditional Anglican Traditional Anglican is offline
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Posts: 134

Originally Posted by Vendetta Ride View Post
Here's a Presbyterian joke, which I post simply to give TA a smile:

A Baptist pastor and a Presbyterian pastor were discussing the matter. The Presbyterian said, "Would it be okay if I just went into the water, up to my waist?" The Baptist said, "No, that wouldn't be okay." The Presbyterian said, "Then, could I just go down until the water came up to my eyes?" The Baptist replied, "No, you need to go all the way." The Presbyterian happily responded, "See? I knew that the forehead was the only part that really mattered!"

Here is one of my other favorite jokes. Two old Southern boys were sitting on the porch, talking about various things, when one said, "Say, buddy, do you believe in infant baptism?"

"Believe in it?" replied his friend, "Why, man, I've seen it done!"

Presbyterian Joke told to me by a PCA Pastor: A Presbyterian Pastor was shutting off the Church lights after Sunday Service, in the near darkness he takes a tumble down a flight of stairs, after hitting bottom he dusts himself off looks Heavenward and says "Boy, I am glad thats over."