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Old 10-31-2008, 09:17 AM
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Originally Posted by atlas View Post
Yes I knew about them. I Think some folks are wasting a whole lot of time and money. They are probably good folks. Anyone who thinks any group could convince states to secede is living in a dream world. The Bible says the world is coming together under a one world government. The world is coming together now, just like the Bible says, nothing can stop this.
In the US at least, people no longer think locally. Most of the states with the worst economies are Democrat strongholds, and yet they blame the Federal government for their local economies, even though other states are doing just fine. California, Michigan, etc, are examples of left-wing governance and what happens, and yet the people there are still clamoring for more of the same, as if things will get better when their ideas are forced on the whole country.

So I agree with you -- the idea that any state is going to secede is just not realistic. Especially considering how much money the states get from the US Treasury for all sorts of programs and projects.