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tonybones2112 07-16-2009 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by Amanda S. (Post 24115)
Hi all! I am looking forward to getting involved in the discussions and getting to know fellow Bible-Believers.

I am a stay at home wife and mom and home-school teacher to our 5 children.
We are Baptist in doctrine and some would consider us "Ruckmanite" in our stand on the Bible. We are trying to live separate from this world and hold to "old fashioned" standards. It concerns and saddens us to see how Christians these days are welcoming the world into their lives with open arms. And for this reason we possibly go too much the opposite direction to avoid this.

My husband is the Assistant Pastor at our Bible Baptist Church. I play the piano to fill a need in the church (not because I am any good!). We are the youth leaders and we both teach Sunday School and Children's Church.

I was raised in an IFB church, went to the church's Christian school, then later was homeschooled. I was saved at the age of 4, rededicated my life at 13 in a revival service preached by Peter Accardi.
I met my husband at the church his Dad pastored. He had just graduated Bob Jones University and was considering Bible school when we met.
Shortly thereafter he moved to Pensacola to attend PBI and learn the Bible under Dr. Ruckman. Having just graduated BJU they were a little suspicious of him thinking he was a spy! LoL But quickly realized he was not. :)
We married after his 2nd yr and I was privileged to attend the church and classes for a couple of years. Being just 18 at the time I only regret that I didn't realize what a blessing that was and took it for granted.

Fast forward 15 years and here we are.

Looking forward to meeting you all!

Amanda :)

Amanda, welcome to the forum.

Grace and peace


Ripdood 07-17-2009 12:08 AM

Welcome Sister Amanda. This is a great place for fellowship and learning many things.

I also belong to a Conservative Christian group on Yahoo, there is a member there who also has the last name of Schoolfield. Was curious if you are related? I enjoy his posts very much and learn from them.

Amanda S. 07-17-2009 09:20 PM

Thank you all for the welcomes :) I am really enjoying the discussions, I only wish I had more time to get involved!

Bro. Gary my father-in-law is Jim Schoolfield. If that is whom you are speaking of then yes we are related :) There's not many of us!

Ask Mr. Religion 07-17-2009 11:29 PM

Welcome to AV1611 Amanda! Glad you made your way here.


CKG 07-20-2009 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by Amanda S. (Post 24115)

Looking forward to meeting you all!

Amanda :)

Hello Amanda

I used to work with your father-in-law when he lived here in the middle Georgia area. He is the one who introduced me to the Bible version issue. He won't respond to any of my emails unless I mention something about college football. :)

Amanda S. 07-20-2009 09:22 AM

That's my father-in-law alright. :) That's all I shall say :D

Great to meet you Craig!!

I am from Macon. Born and raised in Jones County. I met my husband Bobby at Jim's church he pastored in Macon. We married and after he graduated PBI in FL we moved to TN. I'm not very fond of my hometown :) Too hot and humid!

Forrest 07-20-2009 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by Amanda S. (Post 24115)
Hi all! I am looking forward to getting involved in the discussions and getting to know fellow Bible-Believers.

I am a stay at home wife and mom and home-school teacher to our 5 children.
We are Baptist in doctrine and some would consider us "Ruckmanite" in our stand on the Bible. We are trying to live separate from this world and hold to "old fashioned" standards. It concerns and saddens us to see how Christians these days are welcoming the world into their lives with open arms. And for this reason we possibly go too much the opposite direction to avoid this.

My husband is the Assistant Pastor at our Bible Baptist Church. I play the piano to fill a need in the church (not because I am any good!). We are the youth leaders and we both teach Sunday School and Children's Church.

I was raised in an IFB church, went to the church's Christian school, then later was homeschooled. I was saved at the age of 4, rededicated my life at 13 in a revival service preached by Peter Accardi.
I met my husband at the church his Dad pastored. He had just graduated Bob Jones University and was considering Bible school when we met.
Shortly thereafter he moved to Pensacola to attend PBI and learn the Bible under Dr. Ruckman. Having just graduated BJU they were a little suspicious of him thinking he was a spy! LoL But quickly realized he was not. :)
We married after his 2nd yr and I was privileged to attend the church and classes for a couple of years. Being just 18 at the time I only regret that I didn't realize what a blessing that was and took it for granted.

Fast forward 15 years and here we are.

Looking forward to meeting you all!

Amanda :)

Here is my "late" welcome, Sister Amanda. :welcome:

Can I vent some? I can tell already from your post's that you're a high spirited, right is right/wrong is wrong, black is black/white is white, truth motivated, get it right kind of person, right? Me too. And so is my oldest daughter. Through the years God has softened my heart and taught me through trial and testing to speak the truth in love, to not be so harsh with people (and I was), and to stop sizing people up and judging them (and I did). I perceive our temperaments are a lot alike...so there is great potential for some "pride" and "carnality" to rise between us. There is great potential to write things that do not edify, exhort, or admonish. So let's agree right now to always be kind one to another, love one another, and pray for one another. Deal?

On a side note, I sent you a private email the other day informing you that we also home schooled our children. We have three that are grown and all serving the Good Master and one, my sweet little Sarah Beth whom we still home school. Sarah, by the way, was premature, born at 25 weeks and weighed 1 pound and 8 ounces! I also served actively as a Pastor but can no longer minister in that capacity due to secondary-progressive Multiple Sclerosis. I am in a wheelchair, home bound, and taken care of by my wife who is my primary caregiver. This forum has been a tremendous blessing to me and given me the opportunity to fellowship with other believers and talk about the precious word. It's very special to meet fellow believers all over the world.

Amanda S. 07-20-2009 01:26 PM


Here is my "late" welcome, Sister Amanda.
Bro. Forrest :) Thank you for the welcome!


I can tell already from your post's that you're a high spirited, right is right/wrong is wrong, black is black/white is white, truth motivated, get it right kind of person, right? Me too. And so is my oldest daughter.
Partially true :D And it appears that MY daughter has taken after her mother poor girl :D
I joined this forum with my husband's blessing because it's just not his "thing" to volley back and forth forum style. While he is one of the best Bible teachers I know and will answer my questions, tires easily of endless "hard headed" questioning and what ifs. LoL
The part of your statement that I don't necessarily agree with and hope to provethe opposite is the idea that "I" am right or that because I feel it is right for me that I mandate it for others and I certainly hope that over the years I have learned to love the brethren despite our differences. :)


Through the years God has softened my heart and taught me through trial and testing to speak the truth in love, to not be so harsh with people (and I was), and to stop sizing people up and judging them (and I did).
The last 2 years have been very hard for our family...way too long to go into here...but I know for a fact that I have learned this very lesson multiple times over and it certainly has affected me and those I have dealings with.


I perceive our temperaments are a lot alike...so there is great potential for some "pride" and "carnality" to rise between us. There is great potential to write things that do not edify, exhort, or admonish. So let's agree right now to always be kind one to another, love one another, and pray for one another. Deal?
Deal :):high5: Feel free to remind me of this deal ;)


On a side note, I sent you a private email the other day informing you that we also home schooled our children. We have three that are grown and all serving the Good Master and one, my sweet little Sarah Beth whom we still home school. Sarah, by the way, was premature, born at 25 weeks and weighed 1 pound and 8 ounces! I also served actively as a Pastor but can no longer minister in that capacity due to secondary-progressive Multiple Sclerosis. I am in a wheelchair, home bound, and taken care of by my wife who is my primary caregiver. This forum has been a tremendous blessing to me and given me the opportunity to fellowship with other believers and talk about the precious word. It's very special to meet fellow believers all over the world.
Bro. I got that message but I do very little with e mail these days (with the invention of FaceBook) that I was neglectful in not answering back. Please forgive me.

I commend you 2 for raising godly children and I only pray that I can say the same in a few years. Sounds as if your youngest has come a long way!

My husband pastored for many years until he resigned trying to do what we thought was the Lord's will...a year later through many bumps...we have found what we feel is the Lord's will. He is currently serving as an assistant pastor and our family feels as if we've come home :)

Brother, I'll remember you and your family in prayer.

Be blessed!


Forrest 07-20-2009 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by Amanda S. (Post 24459)
The part of your statement that I don't necessarily agree with and hope to prove the opposite is the idea that "I" am right or that because I feel it is right for me that I mandate it for others and I certainly hope that over the years I have learned to love the brethren despite our differences. :)

Sister Amanda, I wasn't saying you have ever had the attitude of "I am right" or that you feel it is right for you to mandate that others accept your personal opinion. You've certainly not come across that way to me. What I said and meant was that you seem to have a drive for truth, right versus wrong, and have a desire to get things right. I think those are good qualities and I was complimenting you. I was simply probing to see if my discernment about you is right. You seem to be that type of personality. My wife is like your husband. Although she loves truth, she does not like the intense back and forth stuff that goes on between believers on this forum. Anyway, I was attempting to discover if you are as I observed. I was just trying to get to know you. I think Jassy and Jennifer have the same personalities from what I can tell.

Amanda S. 07-20-2009 03:44 PM


Sister Amanda, I wasn't saying you have ever had the attitude of "I am right" or that you feel it is right for you to mandate that others accept your personal opinion. You've certainly not come across that way to me. What I said and meant was that you seem to have a drive for truth, right versus wrong, and have a desire to get things right. I think those are good qualities and I was complimenting you. I was simply probing to see if my discernment about you is right. You seem to be that type of personality. My wife is like your husband. Although she loves truth, she does not like the intense back and forth stuff that goes on between believers on this forum. Anyway, I was attempting to discover if you are as I observed. I was just trying to get to know you. I think Jassy and Jennifer have the same personalities from what I can tell.
Brother Forrest thank you for clarifying :) I read "vent" and then the comment and assumed you were suggesting I might be that way. Compliment accepted :D

As to the highlighted quote I am that way, you discerned correctly :) Much to the annoyance of my husband and children at times. LoL
I've heard it said that a perfectionist is one that takes great pains and gives them to everyone else :pound:
I seek to edify and learn and be a blessing here, but I am afraid I tend to be rather simplistic in my thought pattern and sometimes the brethren get so detailed in their presentation that I get lost. So I am sure some will find my discourse too simple, yet I do seek the truth and don't "just" want to accept things because that is just what I've been taught, because I've been taught by various teachers that would disagree on a great many things.

Thank you brother for your comments :)

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