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cb6445 12-05-2008 08:53 PM

Called to Preach
Please pray for me and my family. I have been called by God to preach (as an evangelist). I have a very time-demanding full-time job, wife, and 3 kids. I work 80 from home (one way). So, I am finding it very hard to balance all of these things. Just pray for me and my family.

Kiwi Christian 12-05-2008 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by cb6445 (Post 12602)
Please pray for me and my family. I have been called by God to preach (as an evangelist). I have a very time-demanding full-time job, wife, and 3 kids. I work 80 from home (one way). So, I am finding it very hard to balance all of these things. Just pray for me and my family.

Can you please give us a testimony about when/how God called you to be an evangelist?

Luke 12-05-2008 10:18 PM

I am interested to hear as well. I really want to serve God. A few years back, I submitted myself to God to preach, but failed to act on that. I have no idea if I am called, but I have a desire to serve God, but I am not sure in what manner. I am trying to study to prepare myself if God calls me to the ministry. Until then, I will just continue to do what I am doing.

cb6445 12-06-2008 07:26 PM

Call to Preach
Absolutely. I actually have a copy of it on my PC, where I went and gave my testimony at the church of the young preacher who led me to Christ. I wish I could get ya'll a copy of it. I love sharing what the lord did for me and my family.

cb6445 12-06-2008 07:36 PM

I was raised in a very violent home as a young child. My dad was VERY abusive to my mom and on cocaine 'till I was about 12 yrs old. She somehow managed to stay with him (w/God). She basically raised me, my two brothers (one of which has Downe Syndrome), and my little sister and drug us to church our whole lives. But when I was about 13, I saw daddy at home and I just really didn't want anything to do with church anymore. Started on drugs and drinking when I was 13. Started selling drugs, too. My mom and dad moved me to another school in High School after they caught me for the thousandth time. Anyway, got off drugs but still drank a lot with their permission at home. Got married at 18. Had my first little boy when I was 20. Started back smokin pot, still drank, and started takin pain pills. About 2 yrs ago, I was addicted to pain pills. Tried to quit, but it basically shut my body down and I had to get back on them. 2 days b4 I was saved, I told my wife I was as good/tame as I was gonna get. Really started questioning God's very existence. Anyway, 2 days later a 29 yr old preacher led me to Christ (he had been where I had been and he could relate to me). Anyway, I told God my life was a mess and I put EVERYTHING in his hands. Went to church the next day, quit takin pills that Sunday, no symptoms or anything, haven't touched one in 3 mos. Cut down every pot plant, even had a still where I was makin whiskey, and got rid of it. I even quit cussin, which was a miracle in itself. I cannot even put in to words what God did for me, he COMPLETELY changed my "want to." My wife has never been happier. That's all she's ever asked for 7 yrs is for me to have a relationship of some kind with God and to settle down. God went above and beyond answering her prayers and mine.

Kiwi Christian 12-07-2008 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by cb6445 (Post 12660)
Went to church the next day, quit takin pills that Sunday, no symptoms or anything, haven't touched one in 3 mos. Cut down every pot plant, even had a still where I was makin whiskey, and got rid of it. I even quit cussin, which was a miracle in itself. I cannot even put in to words what God did for me, he COMPLETELY changed my "want to." My wife has never been happier. That's all she's ever asked for 7 yrs is for me to have a relationship of some kind with God and to settle down. God went above and beyond answering her prayers and mine.

Amen brother, thanks for the testimony. It sounds to me like you are a new creature in Christ, praise the Lord. I can relate personally to some of the changes that have taken place in you.

So, how long ago was it that you got saved, and exactly how did God call you into the ministry of 'evangelism'? Understanding of course that every Christian has a ministry of reconciling others to Jesus Christ, but being an actual evangelist is something entirely different.

cb6445 12-07-2008 02:53 PM

Call to Preach
Amen. That's right. Well, it's REALLY strange and unexplainable. After I got saved that night, everything seemed fine. Then, about 3 days later, I started going CRAZY. I cannot even begin to describe what was happening to my mind. It was running but I had no idea had no idea what about. I couldn't read, focus, or even function. I had cat scans, thinking I had a brain tumour. I never believed in evil spirits, but I can assure you now they are real. I just kept praying, asking God's mercy. This went on for about 2 weeks, I just thought I was going crazy, I cannot describe in words how. Anyway, one night my wife and I were sitting there and I told her if I got any "weirder" to call my dad and I was just gonna go see a psychiatrist, I had no idea what else to do. My wife was looking-up demon possession on the internet (I had no idea what else could be going on with me). I finally got a hold of my uncle who is a chaplain in the Army, and we were just talking (about the difference in oppression and possession). I was just really scared, there were thoughts of suicide and all kinds of evil thoughts popping-up in my head. I knew I wasn't going to act on them, but I just couldn't live in the mental state I was in. I can only imagine how this must sound, but anyway, my wife was on the internet (supposed to be looking-up demon junk) and she set the laptop in my lap. And it said "If the Lord called you to preach as a young man, it is unlikely he changed his mind. Even though you may have gone astray, he hasn't changed his mind. I just started busting out laughing and crying and hit my knees with my wife. She had no idea, but when I was 12 (at a youth retreat) I thought I was called in to the ministry and announced it in front of the youth group. To make sure it was of God, I fought it for 3 more months. The morning I gave my testimony at that church, I told the lord, "If this is of you, let me preach." And boy did he ever, I got off my testimony and preached a 45 min message. The Holy Spirit was all over me. It was amazing. A 45 yr old woman got saved.

cb6445 12-07-2008 03:00 PM

Call to Preach
See, the whole time I was "going crazy" the only time my mind was normal was when I was talking about the Lord, reading my Bible, or praying. I couldn't stop thinking about preaching, but didn't want to. I immediately went to my preacher and he helped me through this for about 2 months. I just couldn't get preaching off my mind and begged God to make it go away. Then I read in the bible where it says to do it willingly was a good thing, but to do it against your will would bring a dispensation. So, then I got kinda scared. I really didn't want to preach (I felt unworthy), but I realized what a wonderful thing it was and was not a burden to preach, I was still scared because I wanted to make sure it was God calling me to preach. I am VERY fearful of God. I believe my "crazy" experience was the Lord breaking me to a point I had no one else to lean on but him and it worked. No one had any answers for me, all cat scans and check-ups were perfect. I even thought it was anxiety and they gave me xanax, but it didn't help. It was GOD (and the devil was trying to keep me from him and put in the bad thoughts). I never stopped praying. I prayed 30-40 times a day. It was a scary, unexplainable experience, but I will (by God's grace) never forget it or take my eyes off the one who brought me through it ALL. You think I'm crazy huh?

cb6445 12-07-2008 03:06 PM

Call to Preach
That's how I knew God had called me in to the ministry and I told people that. When they said things like, "Well, there are many forms of ministry. You could even be a deacon or sunday school teacher or something like that" there was a voice in my head saying clear as day, "NO." That is not what I want from you. He wanted me to preach, NO Doubt. That night my wife laid the laptop in my lap, and I hit my knees crying. I began to pray. I started to pray saying, "Lord, if this is what you want me to do....." , a loud voice in my head said, "IF?" He had already done so much for me and given me so many other signs to preach. It was kinda funny really. But like I said, I am VERY fearful of the Lord and I kept fighting it for about a month or so after that night, because I just wanted to make sure that this was of GOD. Ya know?

stephanos 12-08-2008 02:41 AM

I think you need to do a few things before you jump to any conclusions. First look up the word dispensation, since you don't appear to know what that word means. Second, read what the Holy Scriptures say in regards to the qualifications a preacher must meet. I don't believe God would call a man that doesn't meet the qualifications He laid out.

You also didn't say how old you are in Chirst. How long have you been saved?

Peace and Love,

pbiwolski 12-08-2008 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by stephanos (Post 12721)
I think you need to do a few things before you jump to any conclusions. First look up the word dispensation, since you don't appear to know what that word means. Second, read what the Holy Scriptures say in regards to the qualifications a preacher must meet. I don't believe God would call a man that doesn't meet the qualifications He laid out.

Easy, Stephanos, be careful that you don't jump to conclusions.

A call to preach and the "office of a bishop" are not the same thing, and an evangelist is NOT a pastor of a local church. Those qualifications are only for the one holding the position in that office.

Disclaimer: some of you will dissagree with the following for one obvious reason, nevertheless...
I know a man that is currently on deputation to the mission field. He was in the process of contacting pastors in hopes of scheduling meetings etc. One pastor asked him, "Have you ever been divorced?" He wittily replied, "Are you trying to qualify me to be a pastor?"

Good question.

KJBPrincess 12-08-2008 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by pbiwolski (Post 12743)
Easy, Stephanos, be careful that you don't jump to conclusions.

A call to preach and the "office of a bishop" are not the same thing, and an evangelist is NOT a pastor of a local church. Those qualifications are only for the one holding the position in that office.

Disclaimer: some of you will dissagree with the following for one obvious reason, nevertheless...
I know a man that is currently on deputation to the mission field. He was in the process of contacting pastors in hopes of scheduling meetings etc. One pastor asked him, "Have you ever been divorced?" He wittily replied, "Are you trying to qualify me to be a pastor?"

Good question.

I bet that pastor of that church tried to argue that being a missionary includes starting a church on the field (actually, that happens most of the time... from what I've heard). Still, it's none of his business.

Luke 12-08-2008 01:41 PM

Was reading this last night

1Co 7:27 Art thou bound unto a wife? seek not to be loosed.[Don't desire a divorce] Art thou loosed from a wife? seek not a wife.[if you are divorced, don't seek a wife - a man that has never married has never been loosed (set free) from a wife]
1Co 7:28 But and if thou marry, thou hast not sinned; [but if you are divorced and do marry, you have not sinned] and if a virgin marry, she hath not sinned. Nevertheless such shall have trouble in the flesh: but I spare you.

That's how I understood it.

KJBPrincess 12-08-2008 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by Luke (Post 12747)
Was reading this last night

1Co 7:27 Art thou bound unto a wife? seek not to be loosed.[Don't desire a divorce] Art thou loosed from a wife? seek not a wife.[if you are divorced, don't seek a wife - a man that has never married has never been loosed (set free) from a wife]
1Co 7:28 But and if thou marry, thou hast not sinned; [but if you are divorced and do marry, you have not sinned] and if a virgin marry, she hath not sinned. Nevertheless such shall have trouble in the flesh: but I spare you.

That's how I understood it.

Vince sees that those verses the same way... he pointed them out to me a while ago.

cb6445 12-08-2008 10:31 PM

Call to Preach
Well, thanks for the encouragement Stephanos. Since you are so intelligent please enlighten me on how you take 1Cor 9:17! Oh, and also while you're at it, please enlighten us all on 1John 2:27. Oh, last thing, how old was John ("in the lord")? Thank you PB for clearing that up with Stephanos. Trust me Stephanos, I have the fear of GOD in me and I would have NEVER announced a call like that, unless I knew for sure it was of the Lord. I read the requirements that were laid out, I know I need to study to show myself approved, I know I am a novice, that's why I didn't say I was going to be a pastor. I love you in the Lord, brother, but I do NOT need man to teach me ANYTHING! I've got the greatest teacher of all. I am studying to show myself approved unto GOD, not of man. Oh, and by the way, I was born again barely 4 months ago. Hear me well, I AM CALLED TO DO THE WORK OF AN EVANGELIST by my heavenly father. I didn't seek this, I WAS CALLED/CHOSEN by GOD. Please give me 1 verse of scripture giving a time frame from when you were saved to when you can be an evangelist. Please read 1John 2:27 for me. Seems to me your more worried about man's qualifications than God's. Are you Southern Baptist? LOL. I'm only joking. I'm a BAPTIST myself. Just thought I'd try to lighten the mood.

cb6445 12-08-2008 10:39 PM

Oh, Stephanos, please refer to the KJV1611. I'm beginning to wonder if you're reading the same Bible I am! Maybe there is a time frame from when you're saved to when you can be an evangelist in a perverted version of the Bible. I'll see if I can find an NIV or NKJV or whatever it is you're reading from and see if I can find it in there. Ahhh, don't get mad, I'm just kiddin with ya ("Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.", right?)

stephanos 12-08-2008 11:46 PM

Wow, you'd think I said something wrong. I'm going to refrain from commenting on your posts and allow someone else to do so.

pbiwolski, I see your point. I hadn't orignially made the connection that he was speaking of an evangelist, rather then a preacher. Nevertheless my concerns are still valid in light of his last two posts.

For Jesus' sake,

MC1171611 12-09-2008 07:06 AM

Stephanos, you were indeed harsher than necessary in your post. I think it would be a good idea to reread your post and consider it through the eyes of the Spirit of God instead of the carnal eyes of the flesh.

cb6445, it's good to hear that you are submitting to the call of God. "For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance." The Lord will use many, many things in your life to strengthen and break you at the same time: as men called into the ministry, we must remember to be like John: "He must increase, but I must decrease." Everything that we say, do, think and believe must be OF Him, BY Him and THROUGH Him.

On that note: give Bro. Stephanos a little grace: it's obvious that we're all still growing in the Lord and in the knowledge of His word, and some need it more than others, but it's good to remember that "Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth." As Christians we must strive not to let the knowledge get in the way of the charity, but also not get mushy and weak of doctrine. I'd like to encourage you to keep your nose in the Book, pray continually, ask questions about things you haven't yet learned, and above all, remember that our mission is to glorify God, and shooting each other (returning friendly fire is still friendly fire ;) ) simply hurts the mission that God has set us on already.

God bless!

pbiwolski 12-09-2008 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by stephanos (Post 12774)
I hadn't orignially made the connection that he was speaking of an evangelist, rather then a preacher.

Still a difference should be made in your wording. I assume by "preacher" you mean "pastor." It would help to distinguish between the two, for not all that are called to preach and called to pastor. In Acts 8:3-4, men and women went out and preached the gospel. Anyway, I'm not trying to be picky with you...

George 12-09-2008 10:08 AM

Re: "Call to preach"

Originally Posted by stephanos (Post 12774)
Wow, you'd think I said something wrong. I'm going to refrain from commenting on your posts and allow someone else to do so.

pbiwolski, I see your point. I hadn't orignially made the connection that he was speaking of an evangelist, rather then a preacher. Nevertheless my concerns are still valid in light of his last two posts.

For Jesus' sake,

Aloha brother Stephen,

I have some of the same concerns that you have concerning cb6445.

After reading his Posts I see a whole lot of "emotion" and very little Scriptural discernment.

I cannot speak to his "calling", but I can say that as a new born babe in Christ he must get thoroughly grounded in the word of God, before he begins to go out as an "evangelist".

There is a difference between "witnessing" for and about the Lord Jesus Christ (which every Christian can and should do) and holding a Scriptural office in a church. Check out the verses on "evangelists" in the Bible [there aren't that many - Acts 21:8; Ephesians 4:11; 2Timothy 4:5] and the qualifications and duties of an evangelist are not clearly stated in the Scriptures.

However, some things are clear:

Ephesians 4:11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;

12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:

The offices of the apostles and prophets {all of whom were Jews} in the church ceased with the death of the apostles (Peter, James, Paul, and John, etc.).

The two (2) offices in the church {today} that are clearly laid out in the Scriptures are the office of a "bishop" {i.e. elder/pastor} and deacon.

The office (and duties) of an "evangelist" is not spelled out in Scripture, and the only "examples" we have of "evangelists" are Philip [Acts 21:8]; and Timothy [2Timothy 4:5] - Both of whom, by the way, were also Jews.

We know something about Timothy's "ministry" (he assisted the apostle Paul), but we don't know that much about Philip's "ministry":


Acts 21:8 And the next day we that were of Paul's company departed, and came unto Caesarea: and we entered into the house of Philip the evangelist, which was one of the seven; and abode with him.
This "Philip" was "one of the seven":

Acts 6:5 And the saying pleased the whole multitude: and they chose Stephen, {#1} a man full of faith and of the Holy Ghost, and Philip {#2}, and Prochorus {#3}, and Nicanor {#4}, and Timon {#5}, and Parmenas {#6}, and Nicolas {#7} a proselyte of Antioch:
According to the Bible the purpose of an evangelist is for: "For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:" {NOT just preaching the Gospel} And as such, his qualifications should be no less than at least those required for a deacon. God does not have "free lance" operators that are outside of His body and are "footloose" and "fancy free" to do exactly as they please.

In the last 100 years of church history, I know of no other office in the church of God that has been as abused and misused as that of an "evangelist"; and I believe one of the reasons for this abuse is the lack of any oversight (on the part of a church - the body, not just a pastor) of evangelists.

The closest ministry to that of a Scriptural "evangelist" today would be a "missionary" - not some "free-lancer", who is out there "doing his thing" without any supervision or oversight at all!

Keep up the good work brother - I am greatly encouraged by your Posts and the obvious growth in your discernment and understanding of the Scriptures. :)

cb6445 12-09-2008 06:32 PM

Call to Preach
Well, Ok, I'll apologize for a little harsh. But doesn't anybody agree with me? God never called anybody to go to seminary or bible college (not that it's a bad thing), he simply said study to show thyself approved. Whether you study at your home or in college, as long as your studying the Word, then....Anyway, I just get frustrated with people that think I need a piece of paper given by men to prove myself. I'm studying to show myself approved to GOD. Does anybody want to comment on 1John 2:27 for me, please? Ya'll can get mad all you want at my next statement, but Stephanos I'm not the least bit interested in you trying to figure out if I was called to preach or not. As for George, you must be a Southern Baptist too. You say you are concerned because of I have a lot of "emotion", come on. I am very passionate when it comes to the things of GOD and someone looking down on me as if I need to "study to show myself approved to THEM" and put a "time frame" on when a born again child of GOD can be called to do ANYTHING. Now, George, please tell me your concerns of my "Scriptural discernment." I am COMPLETELY open to constructive criticism, which I appreciate from PB and MC11 and the end of your post. This Stephanos fellow, got me upset because I started this Post to simply get prayers from good men of GOD because of how strongly I feel about the power of prayer. It was NOT started to to find out from any of you what GOD has called me to do. I HAVE THAT ANSWER. Now, if you wanna pray for me, give me advice, prove that I'm wrong (from the King James Bible), fine, but understand I DO NOT CARE ABOUT ANY MAN'S THOUGHtS CONCERNING MY CALLING, I'LL GET THAT FROM 1.

cb6445 12-09-2008 07:07 PM

George, I should tell you thank you! I didn't read all the way to then end of your post and should have. I do appreciate your kind words and your concern. I will agree with you on your views as an evangelist being abused w/out oversight. That's why I will never forsake the local church in my ministry and will not be a "free-lancer", my pastor wouldn't allow it. Please, remember, how green I am. My God does, and has stuck me on salvation, so if I can preach anything it can be salvation. I am preaching this Sunday morning on "The Greatest Commandment." It's been a hard pill to swollow, I've never known love but for the past 4 months, so the Lord is breaking me and showing me how important Love is. I got saved on HELL, FIRE, and DAMNATION. Got 1 night of milk, then steaks from then on out and I either choked or chewed and swollowed (got fed). Anyway, I'm trying my best to live it. I have failed on here, I know. But forgive me. I can handle criticism and please don't hold back in telling me the truth, but don't question my calling, because you're not questioning me your questioning the one who called me.

George 12-09-2008 10:58 PM

Re: "Call to preach" (#2)

Originally Posted by cb6445 (Post 12812)
George, I should tell you thank you! I didn't read all the way to then end of your post and should have. I do appreciate your kind words and your concern. I will agree with you on your views as an evangelist being abused w/out oversight. That's why I will never forsake the local church in my ministry and will not be a "free-lancer", my pastor wouldn't allow it. Please, remember, how green I am. My God does, and has stuck me on salvation, so if I can preach anything it can be salvation. I am preaching this Sunday morning on "The Greatest Commandment." It's been a hard pill to swollow, I've never known love but for the past 4 months, so the Lord is breaking me and showing me how important Love is. I got saved on HELL, FIRE, and DAMNATION. Got 1 night of milk, then steaks from then on out and I either choked or chewed and swollowed (got fed). Anyway, I'm trying my best to live it. I have failed on here, I know. But forgive me. I can handle criticism and please don't hold back in telling me the truth, but don't question my calling, because you're not questioning me your questioning the one who called me.

Aloha cb6445,

In regards to your recent Posts #21 & #22 - here is what I said about your calling:

"I cannot speak to his "calling", but I can say that as a new born babe in Christ he must get thoroughly grounded in the word of God, before he begins to go out as an "evangelist".
I have been on the Forum since March of this year and have made 438 Posts and 11 Threads. In all of these Posts and Threads I have never once said that a man has to go to Bible School; Bible College; or a Seminary in order to become an elder/pastor or an evangelist. As a matter of fact, in these days of apostasy, I would strongly advise against it! :(

What I have said is an elder/pastor or evangelist needs to "get thoroughly grounded in the word of God", and a man can do that in a sound Bible believing church or on his own (if necessary).

Paul spent approximately three years (or more) studying on his own before venturing out to spread the Gospel and establish churches throughout the Roman Empire. After Paul got saved he didn't go to the Bible "Seminary" at Jerusalem and get instruction from Peter, James, John, Andrew, or Philip. He went out into the desert and then returned to Damascus and God showed him some of the great "mysteries" of all time.

I do not doubt your earnest zeal to serve the Lord, nor would I ever call into doubt your "calling". Who am I to question another man's "calling"? :confused: What I am concerned about is whether you are grounded in God's Holy word, so that when you go out into the world to do God's will you will be prepared to serve the Lord according to His word, and not stumble (or cause others to stumble).

Here are some principals and precepts from the Holy Scriptures that anyone who wants to enter the ministry should be aware of:

#1. The Holy Bible (King James Bible) must be your "Final Authority" in ALL matters of faith and practice. {NOT a man; a pastor; a church; or a Bible School}

". . . yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, . . ." [Romans 3:4]
#2. Never doubt the veracity of God's word {NEVER!}. And whenever you do a work for God, always do God's work "in truth".

"For the word of the LORD is right; and all his works are done in truth." [Psalms 33:4]
#3. Always remember:The ministry is to be (whenever possible) a ministry of "reconciliation":

"And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;" [2 Corinthians 5:18]
#4. Never think "too highly" of yourself or "better" than the brethren:

"For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith." [Romans 12:3]

There are several men on this Forum that could teach the Bible as well (or better) than most Bible School "professors" - you should find out who they are and study their Threads & Posts.

I have a small Bible web site that contains about 90 Bible lessons that might be of some interest to you. You also might look up my "Profile" on this Forum and "check out" the 11 Threads that I have posted which cover subjects such as:

"The Inspiration of Scripture"
"Why I Believe In The King James Bible"
"Rightly Dividing God’s Words"
"HUMANISM {Pernicious Satanic Influence In The World Today}"

Etc., etc., - there are more.

Any Christian can and should witness or testify about what God has done for him (or her). But a man who is called to teach and to preach God's Holy word must first thoroughly "know" what he is talking about before venturing out into the ministry. {It took Paul (the greatest apostle) over three years to study and prepare for the ministry, and I would advise you to do the same. Take some time to become familiar with the word and doctrine, and don't neglect your wife and family in the course of your studies and service to the Lord}

1 Timothy 5:8 But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.
I have been a Christian for over 50 years and have made a lot of mistakes and have stumbled along the way. You have a lot to learn - don't "run ahead of God" in your pursuit to serve serve Him.

stephanos 12-10-2008 01:12 AM

I really can't understand how my comment was so mistaken in its intent. I held off from responding to your original post even before a single response was made (I saw your post well before others commented). I found it odd that your second post on these forums was this request for prayer of this nature. We didn't hear a word about who you are, where you've been in your walk in the Lord (and for how long), nor about what you believe doctrinally. So I found it a bit odd when I saw your post. Then you posted your testimony (after Kiwi's and brother Luke's inquiring) which was interesting to say the least. So I was left with what to say in response to what I was reading. Truth be told I thought someone else would indicate similar concerns to what I was having when I read your testimony, but I didn't see that happening. Now, I'll admit that I tend to expect the worst in people (I wasn't always like this mind you. It's not easy to expect good things from people when you look at the Church in the state that it's in these days), but something made me think twice about doing so with you. So I responded the way I did, hoping that it would elicit a more exhaustive response from you in regards to your age in Christ (yes, this is important) and a bit more about the work the Lord has done in you as of late. Not only that, but I wanted you to look into what a dispensation is because you clearly are not aware of what this word means, which is fine. I didn't learn about dispensations till just this fall (9 years after being reborn!). Dispensations are a deep and rewarding subject to study which can take a long time to study and fully grasp.

Your response to my comment was very typical of new Christian men who are on fire for Christ after just being reborn. I was and am willing to let your defensive and caustic response towards me slide, but with one warning. I have defended the King James Bible now for years. My faith in this Book is more hard lined than nearly everyone I've met who claims to 'use' the KJB. I have endured being called a KJBO nut, a bibliolater, and a all other manner of words people use against those who draw a hard line for the KJB (I have yet to be called a Ruckman Knight, to my shame). My entire life, faith, and being is defined by my faith in what is written within the King James Holy Bible. That book it the most important thing in my life next to my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. So I don't take to well to people accusing me of using perVersions or in doubting the readings of the AV1611 Holy Bible. You have been given, and have used up, your one chance to make this mistake with me.

So, cb6445, welcome to av1611.com/forums. Make yourself at home, and tell us more about yourself. Also feel free to ask questions. You'll find more solid council here than nearly anywhere else. These brothers and sisters are a great blessing.

For Jesus' sake,

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