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chette777 03-01-2009 03:33 AM

Rush Limbaugh First Address to the Nation
Did any of you catch Rush Limbaugh address to the CPAC? I was very impressed. It was the kind of speech I would like to hear from a presidential candidate.:usa::usa2:I'm proud to be an American.

Bro. Parrish 03-01-2009 10:55 AM

LOL, maybe Rush will run with Ann Coulter as V.P... :)

atlas 03-01-2009 11:23 PM

Bro. Parrish & Chette777

I am amazed that so many people are impressed with a dope head. Maybe you guys like pill poppers and think they make good leaders. I am impressed that pill popper has not over dosed yet and died and went to hell. God's grace for a lost dope head and is all that impresses me. All the Rush/Hannity folks are like some kind of cult. It's almost unbelievable.



stephanos 03-02-2009 01:30 AM

I've never listened to a single broadcast of Limbaugh's. I have enjoyed some of what I've heard from Hannity, but not all of it. I prefer Ron Paul (he knows economics!) and Chuck Baldwin.

For Jesus' sake,

chette777 03-02-2009 04:51 AM


Relax, even a broken clock is right twice a day. Rush did a good Job. but he is not qualified for president and he wouldn't get my vote if he did.

he is a good motivator and the conservatives need that. and if Obama was watching to learn how to improve himself he could have learned something.

I am sure you have a weakness or two in your life. so go easy on the dope head and don't ridicule us just because we liked what he said.

MC1171611 03-02-2009 02:50 PM

Limbaugh suffers chronic pain.

He was prescribed medication for his chronic pain.

He developed an addiction to his prescription medication.

Mistake, he apologized, get over it.

Now I think he's too liberal: I'm more of a Michael Savage/Neal Boortz kind of guy in many ways. I think Rush is too nice, soft and centrist to truly be a Conservative that I would agree with wholeheartedly. That being said, I do enjoy listening to his show occasionally when I'm on the road and his show is on.

Bro. Parrish 03-02-2009 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by atlas (Post 16082)
Bro. Parrish & Chette777

I am amazed that so many people are impressed with a dope head. Maybe you guys like pill poppers and think they make good leaders. I am impressed that pill popper has not over dosed yet and died and went to hell. God's grace for a lost dope head and is all that impresses me. All the Rush/Hannity folks are like some kind of cult. It's almost unbelievable.

LOL, where did that come from...
I'm not a regular listener to Rush, (maybe once a year?) so there goes your cult theory. Nobody is perfect but I think he is a decent American. Tell you what---I'll take a ditto head over the OBAMA CULT any day brother! :rolleyes:

Diligent 03-02-2009 09:56 PM

Where's the grace?

So the guy has a botched back operation, lives in chronic pain, and gets addicted to a drug his doctor prescribed for him. He never justified or advocated his actions to others. As far as sins go, I can think of Christains who have done a lot worse than that.

The guy needs to get saved. What's the point of tearing him down because of a failure like that? The guy needs the Gospel -- he doesn't need people ripping him for giving in to temptation to alleviate chronic pain.

stephanos 03-02-2009 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by Diligent (Post 16136)
Where's the grace?

So the guy has a botched back operation, lives in chronic pain, and gets addicted to a drug his doctor prescribed for him. He never justified or advocated his actions to others. As far as sins go, I can think of Christains who have done a lot worse than that.

The guy needs to get saved. What's the point of tearing him down because of a failure like that? The guy needs the Gospel -- he doesn't need people ripping him for giving in to temptation to alleviate chronic pain.

Amen. I can attest to that. I've known some real good folks that got hooked on those pills. It's such a hard drug to quit. Oh and like you said, he does need to be saved, but I imagine with his audience that he's gotten the gospel at least more than once. Praying for him would be good.

Peace and Love,

atlas 03-03-2009 09:52 AM


You are " proud to be an American " because some pill popper gave a speech at some neocon meeting. Where is the grace you ask? Well I thought I said, " God's grace for a lost dope head and is all that impresses me. " I see many of the cult members have already defended the dope head already. We even have the leader of the GOP Steele telling Rush, " I'm sorry I told the truth about you being an entertainer. " Rush is part of the pop culture he is not a real thinker. He is not a real man of the mind and it shows in our party today.

I recall when the GOP had mental real leaders, people with real minds. People of the mind like von Mises, Buckley, Rand and Friedman other such great thinkers. Now we have Rush and Hannity. You have got to be kidding. Just take a look at the movies for example. The movies of yesteryear. Like Gone with the Wind or The Fountainhead for example. Movies based on good books. Now look at the movies of today. They are based on comic books. Batman, Spider man and X Men. Our culture and our nation is going down hill fast. Rush a dope head being our so called leader is just showing us how lame we are as a nation. We do not have the mental leadership we need. This is why we are not winning the battle of the mind. The same is true in the church as it is in out lame culture.

Where is the grace you ask? Where is the mind that is the question I ask? Where is the mental leadership? Oh we have it from a guy that dose not have the will power to stop popping pills after he no longer needs them. I'm sure William F. Buckley, Thomas Jefferson, Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman, Leonard Read, Hans F. Sennholtz, Frederic Bastiat, Henry Hazlitt, Paul L. Poirot, Murray N. Rothbard and Ludwig von Mises would be very proud of what we have become as a movement and a nation.


Diligent 03-03-2009 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by atlas (Post 16160)

Where is the grace you ask? Where is the mind that is the question I ask? Where is the mental leadership? Oh we have it from a guy that dose not have the will power to stop popping pills after he no longer needs them. I'm sure William F. Buckley, Thomas Jefferson, Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman, Leonard Read, Hans F. Sennholtz, Frederic Bastiat, Henry Hazlitt, Paul L. Poirot, Murray N. Rothbard and Ludwig von Mises would be very proud of what we have become as a movement and a nation.

Funny how several of the people you listed were addicted to nicotine.

Rush isn't my "leader" and that's not the point; I don't have much use for any political party any more. The fact that he got addicted to pain medicine for a while doesn't have anything to do with any of this. Yes, I'm still asking "where's the grace" because you show none. In this thread Rush could be any average joe off the street. Your attitude is shockingly typical of so many independent Baptists these days.

Rush doesn't make me "proud to be an American" -- maybe some people feel that way about him; who cares. But if my belief in the Bible had anything to do with how other people who claim to believe the Bible behave, you'd make me ashamed to be a Christian.

Are you hoping this guy dies before accepting the Gospel? Would you get some kind of pleasure at his torment in hell? All because he got addicted to a prescription medicine? And why does your hero list include smokers like Rand and Buckley? What about their will power to quit an addiction? Why the double standard?

You don't like Rush, that's fine -- you don't like what he says, or you think he dumbs down the conversation for entertainment -- I can respect that. But singling out a physical failing like you did is vindictive and spiteful and shows none of the grace that the Lord showed you when he saved you.

Bro. Parrish 03-03-2009 11:00 AM

Atlas, while you were bashing Rush Limbaugh for popping LEGAL pills, I couldn't help but notice you dropped the names of William F. Buckley and Milton Friedman, who BOTH called for the legalization of ILLEGAL drugs like marijuana and worse... :rolleyes:

So while on the one hand you are calling Rush a "dope head" you are promoting the thoughts of other imperfect men who if allowed would see our American streets and public clinics overrunning with "dope heads." I don't completely dislike Buckley or your other list, but you need to do some research before you throw stones brother.

Bottom line; like I said before nobody is perfect, I'm sure there are better people to lead our nation than Rush, but I'm not sure attacking other conservatives is helping the cause. Now settle down, before we have to sedate you! :)

Renee 03-03-2009 11:18 AM

Beware of unrighteous judgement and be thankful that Our Lord has bestowed grace upon you to not be suffering a chronic pain.

I suffer from chronic artrithis and do "pill pop". I depend on natural minerals and vitamins and juices to control my pain. I do have to use painkillers like advil and aspirin once in a while if I have to, and have refused to take medication because of what happened to Rush. Most people take what their Doctors give them. Pain is a terrible thing and you should just be thankful you do not have a thorn in the flesh. Would you be strong enough? Do not throw God's grace for you in His face by railing against Rush.

Pray for Rush's salvation, all men are in need of prayer as you have shown us in your post here.


George 03-03-2009 11:30 AM

Re: "Rush Limbaugh First Address to the Nation"

Originally Posted by atlas (Post 16160)

You are " proud to be an American " because some pill popper gave a speech at some neocon meeting. Where is the grace you ask? Well I thought I said, " God's grace for a lost dope head and is all that impresses me. " I see many of the cult members have already defended the dope head already. We even have the leader of the GOP Steele telling Rush, " I'm sorry I told the truth about you being an entertainer. " Rush is part of the pop culture he is not a real thinker. He is not a real man of the mind and it shows in our party today.

I recall when the GOP had mental real leaders, people with real minds. People of the mind like von Mises, Buckley, Rand and Friedman other such great thinkers. Now we have Rush and Hannity. You have got to be kidding. Just take a look at the movies for example. The movies of yesteryear. Like Gone with the Wind or The Fountainhead for example. Movies based on good books. Now look at the movies of today. They are based on comic books. Batman, Spider man and X Men. Our culture and our nation is going down hill fast. Rush a dope head being our so called leader is just showing us how lame we are as a nation. We do not have the mental leadership we need. This is why we are not winning the battle of the mind. The same is true in the church as it is in out lame culture.

Where is the grace you ask? Where is the mind that is the question I ask? Where is the mental leadership? Oh we have it from a guy that dose not have the will power to stop popping pills after he no longer needs them. I'm sure William F. Buckley, Thomas Jefferson, Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman, Leonard Read, Hans F. Sennholtz, Frederic Bastiat, Henry Hazlitt, Paul L. Poirot, Murray N. Rothbard and Ludwig von Mises would be very proud of what we have become as a movement and a nation.


Aloha brother Anderson,

Can you explain to me what is bothering you so much that you stoop to name calling ("I see many of the cult members have already defended the dope head already.") over some harmless comments from a fellow brother in Christ, who is out there "on the front lines", hazarding his life (and that of his entire family) for the Lord Jesus Christ?

WHAT is your problem brother? WHICH "cult" are you referring to? WHY do you suppose several of the brethren called you down about your "attitude"? Are they members of a "cult" because they have pointed out the error of your ways? [Galatians 4:16 Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?] Have you ever been wrong? Have you ever admitted to being wrong? Ever?

Have you ever apologized for anything you've said, or is it your habit to "lash out" at anyone who might in the least bit criticize or disagree with something you may have said?

Some of the brethren have asked "where is the Grace"? How about some "Fruit"?

[Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

Ephesians 5:9
(For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;)

Brother Chette Nichols simply said that he liked what Rush said and that he was proud to be an American. He certainly wasn't endorsing Rush Limbaugh to become the head of the church! He never held Rush up as an example of what a Christian should be. And he certainly wasn't endorsing our American "Culture"! That much is clear by the Posts that he has made here on the Forum. So again, WHAT is your problem brother?

Brother Chette is out on the edge of the "Frontier" of the Philippines (Palawan) establishing churches; preaching the Gospel; endeavoring to help those who are desperately in need of help; living on $50.00 to $400.00 dollars a month; and under physical conditions that most of us would not put up with for a month - never mind for years (as he has).

I doubt if either you or I (combined) have sacrificed half of what brother Chette has sacrificed in order to serve our Lord, so "lighten up" brother.

You need an "attitude adjustment" brother. No one on this Forum looks up to Rush Limbaugh as some kind of "Hero". But he would be a far better "improvement" over almost all of the Democratic Politicians in our country; and probably many so-called Republicans also.

You and I have clashed in the past over doctrine and over jackboot, authoratarian pastors who think they can replace the Lord Jesus Christ in HIS church. Some of the brethren are encouraging you to show some Grace; after all, if you can tolerate heretics, and make excuses for them, and defend them, you should have some tolerance for a fellow brother in Christ, who simply expressed himself and made a harmless comment that certainly didn't come even close to heresy.

I've said it before brother, you need to grow up. Your "attitude" reflects the same "attitude" and teachings of those totalatarian pastors that have become so prevelent amongst certain "Fundamentalist" churches in America today.

Name calling is NOT a Christian "virtue". When you carelessly accuse some (who?) on the Forum of being "cult members" (are you referring to "all" of us or just "some" of us?), you are accusing the brethren; and unless you can back up your accusation you owe both brother Chette and those of us on the Forum, an apology.

Romans 14:4 Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand.

Bro. Parrish 03-03-2009 11:40 AM

Okay beloved, everybody chill...
I might need some pills after this thread... :pound:

George 03-03-2009 12:04 PM

Re: " Rush Limbaugh First Address to the Nation"

Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish (Post 16169)
Okay beloved, everybody chill...
I might need some pills after this thread... :pound:

Aloha brother,

If this were the first time, I would agree with you, but this is a recurring "theme" with Atlas. No one should accuse brethren of being a "cult", unless they can PROVE they are a "cult". That's what got my P.J."s in a knot! That, and his "attitude" towards brother Chette. :mad:

Christians shouldn't be carelessly engaging in "name calling" - you know the "Old Saying": "People who live in Glass Houses shouldn't throw stones!" :confused:

Even though I'm an "old curmudgeon", I'm real careful with any accusations that I make. I'm prepared to back up my accusations with Scripture and facts. Something brother Atlas hasn't learned yet. :(

MC1171611 03-03-2009 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by George (Post 16171)
Christians shouldn't be carelessly engaging in "name calling" - you know the "Old Saying": "People who live in Glass Houses shouldn't throw stones!" :confused:

A wise man also said: People that live in glass houses should change in the basement. :eyebrows:

Bro. Parrish 03-03-2009 01:58 PM

Hey it's all good George, I hear you brother... :)

atlas 03-04-2009 10:08 AM


I see many of you still like to defend Rush " Hillbilly Heroin. " He only quit after he got caught. It's like the guy who robs a bank shoots a few people and then cries in court " I'm sorry. " This is the same deal with Rush, yet millions listen to him everyday. This is the problem. As I stand opposed to folks abusing Oxycontin AKA: " Hillbilly Heroin " and am making a comment about our nation and culture and the cult like mentality that people seem to have for Hillbilly Heroin Rush and you all mad at me. Just as the Obama cult they defend Obama no matter what. Then some on the right also seem to have a cult mentality. I'll bet I could have said Ayn Rand was a whore and stepped out on her husband for years and no one would have said a word about it. As I make the statement about Rand it is 100% true just as the statement about the Hillbilly Heroin Rush is 100% true. Yet I say something about Rush the pill popper and you all get mad. Now that is very funny indeed.

As far as smoking goes. Sure I did smoke for four years of my life age 16 to to 20. When I found out it was a sin I stopped doing it. Before I knew it was a sin I thought of smoking like drinking a Coke or a Pepsi. I also no longer use caffeine either, I think it's bad for you so I stopped drinking pop also. Are you saying some guy smoking a Winston is the same as a man using hillbilly heroin? I guess Rush had not idea that he was hooked on hillbilly heroin and it was the wrong thing to do. Aren't you the same person that thinks drinking is not a sin? I'll bet you've got a six pack in the fridge right now. I'll also know this I can give you many Bible verses about drinking and if your lucky you may can find one they may or may not be used for smoking.

Sure I have apologized for some things I have said when I am in the wrong. I never do apologize when I am right however. I see no need to do so. Are you for the use of hillbilly heroin to get high? Do you think it is right to defend a drug addict by saying we all have sinned? We all have sinned no doubt about it. Well can you not say the same for a thief? Well it's ok that Ken Lay robbed everyone at Enron, we all live in glass houses so no need to judge him right.

Look if you guys want to listen to a guy that was on hillbilly heroin for years that is fine with me. If he makes you proud to be an American, well that's ok with me. Just do not defend a druggie and say he is the best this party has to offer. then keep it up. Let a dope head be the mind power behind our party that could have much better leaders. I just ask why dumb down the party. Why not use some of the classical ideas that built the party? Why not use some good leaders that we do have. Why not Newt? Why not someone else. Why dose it have to be a pill popper when we can do far better. That was the point of the whole post to start with. The point many of you have missed. We have went from Jefferson, Goldwater, Regan, Buckley, Rand and Friedman to Rush. Think that over a little. This is not good for our party or our nation.


MC1171611 03-04-2009 10:47 AM


If you're having difficulty with your vision, then I could understand your misconception and outright ignorance about the feelings of the others involved in this topic because of difficulty reading.

However, if you are not having vision difficulties, then either you're a liar or you're not reading others' posts, which means you're a self-centered individual who refuses to have his opinion reconciled with the facts.

No one here said they even liked Rush Limbaugh, so your brash statement that those of us who responded to your post negatively are cultists is ignorant to an astonishing degree. No one defended his use of prescription medication: we simply stated that it's understandable that a person in his situation would succumb to that. At least one person involved said that Rush was not the reason that they felt proud to be an American, so again you're blowing smoke out of your posterior.

You have an attitude problem, like Bro. George said. Your rotten attitude stinks.

I second everything that Bro. George said in his first post to you. Every single little thing.

atlas 03-04-2009 11:12 AM


Why think you for calling me a blind man or a liar.


What am I not being truthful about? A man called Rush that liked to get his " Hillbilly Heroin, " in a Denny's parking lot in a cigar box? Could it be the fact that someone defending him by saying we all live in glass houses. I'm sorry I have a bad attitude about the supposed leader of the GOP getting his Hillbilly Heroin in a parking lot. I'm sorry I have a bad attitude about people telling me not to judge this action and saying it is the same as someone smoking a Camel or a Winston. It's fine if this man makes some of you " feel proud to be an American " because some talk he gave at some Neocon meeting and this man makes some of you feel this way. Maybe some of you guys have " unrighteous judgements " as I have been said to have. One person starts on me for smoking, and I did for four years, seventeen years ago mind you. This is also the man that thinks any one can drink and live by the bible. Funny ain't it?


I do not care if I get banned by the way. Ban me and open a cold six pack and have a little fun today.


No how is that for " an attitude problem!!! "



Bro. Parrish 03-04-2009 11:17 AM

Atlas, my brother, are YOU popping pills? :confused:

I noticed you utterly failed to respond to my post no. 12,
while you were bashing Rush Limbaugh for popping LEGAL pills, I couldn't help but notice you TWICE dropped the names of William F. Buckley and Milton Friedman, who BOTH called for the legalization of ILLEGAL drugs like marijuana and worse...

How do you respond to that brother? :rolleyes:

So while on the one hand you are calling Rush a "dope head" you are promoting the thoughts of other imperfect men who if allowed would see our American streets and public clinics overrunning with "dope heads." I don't completely dislike Buckley or your other list, but you are WAY out in left field here, and everyone is watching as you keep dropping the ball.

atlas 03-04-2009 12:38 PM



I noticed you utterly failed to respond to my post no. 12,
I did so because is was not worthy of a reply. You pushed the issue so here it is.

You are correct some on my list called for legalization of drugs. I'll also bet 100% on my list were/would be for the legalization of wine, beer and other spirits. I would fully disagree with them on this issue 100%. I see no difference between spirits or drugs. That being said not one of them used any drugs to my knowledge. They wee not down at Denny's in the parking lot getting their fix, unlike Rush the so called new leader of the GOP. We not only have people here how believe in the legalization of spirits, but think it is fine for Christians to drink spirits and think they can do so and not sin. Where do you stand on the drinking of spirits and do you think that spirits should be illegal? Do you think it is a sin to drink. If not why don't you drink? If you do drink how much do you drink and why? What is the difference between legalization drugs or spirits? If drinking spirits is not a sin why would using hillbilly heroin be a sin?

So here is my reply. I also hope you will reply to my questions. Is there any thing else I can do for you?

Here is a little hillbilly heroin rap song for you, to bad Rush did not write it.




Debau 03-04-2009 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by atlas (Post 16206)
As far as smoking goes. Sure I did smoke for four years of my life age 16 to to 20. When I found out it was a sin I stopped doing it. Before I knew it was a sin I thought of smoking like drinking a Coke or a Pepsi. I also no longer use caffeine either, I think it's bad for you so I stopped drinking pop also. Are you saying some guy smoking a Winston is the same as a man using hillbilly heroin? I guess Rush had not idea that he was hooked on hillbilly heroin and it was the wrong thing to do. Aren't you the same person that thinks drinking is not a sin? I'll bet you've got a six pack in the fridge right now. I'll also know this I can give you many Bible verses about drinking and if your lucky you may can find one they may or may not be used for smoking.

Sure I have apologized for some things I have said when I am in the wrong. I never do apologize when I am right however. I see no need to do so. Are you for the use of hillbilly heroin to get high? Do you think it is right to defend a drug addict by saying we all have sinned? We all have sinned no doubt about it. Well can you not say the same for a thief? Well it's ok that Ken Lay robbed everyone at Enron, we all live in glass houses so no need to judge him right.

Look if you guys want to listen to a guy that was on hillbilly heroin for years that is fine with me. If he makes you proud to be an American, well that's ok with me. Just do not defend a druggie and say he is the best this party has to offer. then keep it up. Let a dope head be the mind power behind our party that could have much better leaders. I just ask why dumb down the party. Why not use some of the classical ideas that built the party? Why not use some good leaders that we do have. Why not Newt? Why not someone else. Why dose it have to be a pill popper when we can do far better. That was the point of the whole post to start with. The point many of you have missed. We have went from Jefferson, Goldwater, Regan, Buckley, Rand and Friedman to Rush. Think that over a little. This is not good for our party or our nation.

I wonder what's in your closet brother that you lash out at an unsaved man, and then falsely accuse the brethren?
I was an heroin addict for 30 years. I was a liberal for many of those years. I have no real use for Rush, but I do thank him for helping me change my mind about liberalism while I was still lost.
Have you forgotten you were lost?
Were you the one who cleaned yourself up?
I think the comment on your "vision" may have been right on.

2 Peter 1:9 But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins.

It's pretty pathetic you lash at these folks for agreeing(not idolizing) some statements Rush made, and then you prop up your idols (philandering Newt, et al) in a what is blatant hypocrisy.

Are you still lost? I know unsaved folks with more grace than how you've presented yourself here. The only person who has "pushed the issue" is you.

Bro. Parrish 03-04-2009 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by atlas (Post 16220)
I did so because is was not worthy of a reply. You pushed the issue so here it is. You are correct some on my list called for legalization of drugs.

Well thanks for answering but I'm not sure why you seem to be so rude today. I have never seen you react this way brother, I hope you are okay. :confused:

At any rate Atlas, your reply kinda makes your entire objection to Rush moot in my book. Here you are, condemning someone for unintentionally getting hooked on LEGAL drugs, but promoting leaders like William F. Buckley who himself admitted to smoking POT and would INTENTIONALLY steer our nation to the legalization of weed, heroin, crack, etc.... :cool: is that what you call "quality leadership" for the GOP?

So in essence you seem to be "blowing in the wind" here. Are you aware that Buckley himself was hooked on nicotene for a decade, and smoked cigars for 10 more years after that until he puffed himself into a diagnosis at the Mayo Clnic with emphysema? Do you see how silly that renders your attack on Rush and those who enjoy his commentary?

Not angry at you Atlas, just a little confused by your comments today.
And to answer your question brother, NO I do not drink alcohol, I have never smoked a single cigarette or "joint" and I have never once been drunk in my life. But, I still have vices and faults, JUST LIKE YOU. Yes, I'm talking to you my brother with the beam in your eye. Now are you sure you want to pursue this? Can't we all just... get along? :rolleyes:

stephanos 03-04-2009 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by atlas (Post 16220)

I did so because is was not worthy of a reply. You pushed the issue so here it is.

You are correct some on my list called for legalization of drugs. I'll also bet 100% on my list were/would be for the legalization of wine, beer and other spirits. I would fully disagree with them on this issue 100%. I see no difference between spirits or drugs. That being said not one of them used any drugs to my knowledge. They wee not down at Denny's in the parking lot getting their fix, unlike Rush the so called new leader of the GOP. We not only have people here how believe in the legalization of spirits, but think it is fine for Christians to drink spirits and think they can do so and not sin. Where do you stand on the drinking of spirits and do you think that spirits should be illegal? Do you think it is a sin to drink. If not why don't you drink? If you do drink how much do you drink and why? What is the difference between legalization drugs or spirits? If drinking spirits is not a sin why would using hillbilly heroin be a sin?

So here is my reply. I also hope you will reply to my questions. Is there any thing else I can do for you?

Here is a little hillbilly heroin rap song for you, to bad Rush did not write it.




You are out of control Atlas. You've got some serious issues that need to be dealt with immediately.

You know, I smoke marijuana for nearly 10 years of my life and only quit at that time because I got caught (of course I now see intoxicants as sinful for very biblical reasons). But I gotta say I'm sure glad I had good brothers and sisters in Christ that forgave me and didn't judge me for being an addict in my past. Boy if even one of those brothers had've been like you I sure wouldn't have gotten through the intense shame I felt as a babe in Christ. Even the ultra-arminian Mennonite friends of mine forgave me and didn't say a single word about my past substance abuse when I told them my story.

*sigh* man, your attitude stinks.


stephanos 03-04-2009 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by Debau (Post 16224)
I wonder what's in your closet brother that you lash out at an unsaved man, and then falsely accuse the brethren?
I was an heroin addict for 30 years. I was a liberal for many of those years. I have no real use for Rush, but I do thank him for helping me change my mind about liberalism while I was still lost.
Have you forgotten you were lost?
Were you the one who cleaned yourself up?
I think the comment on your "vision" may have been right on.

2 Peter 1:9 But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins.

It's pretty pathetic you lash at these folks for agreeing(not idolizing) some statements Rush made, and then you prop up your idols (philandering Newt, et al) in a what is blatant hypocrisy.

Are you still lost? I know unsaved folks with more grace than how you've presented yourself here. The only person who has "pushed the issue" is you.

AMEN, Glory to God! Debau, thank you for this! Love you brother, and thanks be to God for your deliverance!

For Jesus' sake,

JaeByrd 03-04-2009 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by atlas (Post 16212)
I do not care if I get banned by the way. Ban me and open a cold six pack and have a little fun today.
No how is that for " an attitude problem!!! "

You had a long period of time after your last tantrum where you left the forum/didn't post. If you really don't want to be here (again) then pack up your toys (again) and leave (again). This trying to provoke your way into getting banned is pretty silly.

MC1171611 03-04-2009 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by JaeByrd (Post 16257)
You had a long period of time after your last tantrum where you left the forum/didn't post. If you really don't want to be here (again) then pack up your toys (again) and leave (again). This trying to provoke your way into getting banned is pretty silly.


Diligent 03-04-2009 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by atlas (Post 16212)
What am I not being truthful about?

You made a blanket accusation that several people here belong to some form of "cult" because they like Rush's commentary. That's a false accusation and therefor untruthful.


A man called Rush that liked to get his " Hillbilly Heroin, " in a Denny's parking lot in a cigar box? Could it be the fact that someone defending him by saying we all live in glass houses. I'm sorry I have a bad attitude about the supposed leader of the GOP getting his Hillbilly Heroin in a parking lot.
I don't care much about your sorrow, but I just don't get why the man's past problems with a prescription drug are such a focus for you, or why you think this gives you free reign to call a bunch of people here cultists. I haven't even seen anyone here say they want Rush to lead them in anything.


I'm sorry I have a bad attitude about people telling me not to judge this action
Here's more of you being untruthful. Who told you not to judge the action? What does that have to do with you constantly bashing down on the man for something he did in his past (and apologized for, in public and on air)? And then you mention Newt! Someone who divorced his wife! I like Newt too, but your weights are indeed "divers."
Proverbs 20:23 Divers weights are an abomination unto the LORD; and a false balance is not good.

and saying it is the same as someone smoking a Camel or a Winston.
Smoking is worse than getting temporarily addicted to pain medication. Smoking is a constant act of temple defilement. It's slow pollution of the body makes it all the more insidious. But I still wouldn't "break out the brimstone" for a smoker the way you've done it on Rush.


It's fine if this man makes some of you " feel proud to be an American " because some talk he gave at some Neocon meeting and this man makes some of you feel this way.
Actually, the CPAC speech was quite good, and I wonder what there is about it that you disagree with. Wait, no, I don't really care.

The point is, acknowledging that Rush gives a good speech or has good commentary doesn't amount to approval of his sins. Get it?

chette777 03-05-2009 04:43 AM


I am not so thinned skinned as some. but you do have a way about you that strike nerves.

About you Ayn Rayn Statement, you could say anything about her and I wouldn't bat an eye unless you tried to say she was a Practicing Christian. the woman was a blatant anti-christ, philosopher whose teachings has led many young Christians astray when they are introduced to her teaching at Colleges and Universities around our nation.

Try being a little more tactful with your words my friend and you may find you will get better results.

One day I was really mad at a brother in the Lord but I was trying to keep my cool. why was I mad, He had made false accusations against me with no proof and instead of coming to me first he just spread rumors. when I finally got a chance to confront him. His always twisting and more lies directly to my face made me even more angry. after the unsuccessful meeting the mediator got me alone and asked me two questions, "Why didn't I see Christ in you?" I was floored by it. his next question sent me to tears, "are you saved?"

I spent twelve hours in prayer and fasting to answer those questions. the first one was easy I was in my flesh. the second one the Lord gave me assurance and led me to read a Psalm 118 and brought back the Joy of his salvation into my life.

Bro. Parrish 03-06-2009 10:04 AM

Speaking of Rush...

Three page article reveals
Liberal Strategy on Rush Limbaugh

“We helped get the ball rolling on this because we’re looking and listening to different Republican voices around the country, and the one that was the loudest and getting the most attention was Rush Limbaugh,” explained DCCC chairman and Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.)...

Liberal Radio Speaker:
'Maybe Limbaugh Should Be Executed For Treason'


Jeremy 03-06-2009 10:29 AM

You guys are wound too tight.
I am a Lou Dobbs and Glenn Beck fan myself ;)
When it concerns Rush, i can take him or leave him,yeah,he has a checkered past,but has gotten over it,besides Legal drugs are Legal,Illegal is still Illegal.
Look at all the cost to the tax payers for the legalization of alcohol.
Broken familys,Rehab,Innocent people dying,health care cost etc.. just for there irresponsibility.
And the govn't focuses more on cigarettes than alcohol.:rolleyes:

With all the media bickering,do you think anyone has really made a difference?

Right, now i am looking towards a socialist government,a One world banking system and the coming of the LORD! :amen:

Bro. Parrish 03-06-2009 10:55 AM

Glenn Beck is pretty funny... :)

stephanos 03-06-2009 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by Jeremy (Post 16355)
You guys are wound too tight.
I am a Lou Dobbs and Glenn Beck fan myself ;)
When it concerns Rush, i can take him or leave him,yeah,he has a checkered past,but has gotten over it,besides Legal drugs are Legal,Illegal is still Illegal.
Look at all the cost to the tax payers for the legalization of alcohol.
Broken familys,Rehab,Innocent people dying,health care cost etc.. just for there irresponsibility.
And the govn't focuses more on cigarettes than alcohol.:rolleyes:

With all the media bickering,do you think anyone has really made a difference?

Right, now i am looking towards a socialist government,a One world banking system and the coming of the LORD! :amen:

I know, it's so funny that people that want marijuana legalized will use the alcohol prohibition analogy. They'll say that removing prohibition stopped all the organized crime and murders etc. Well I hate to break it to ya, but alchohol is the king of drugs:


* There are over 18 million alcoholics in America.
* Cirrhosis of the liver kills over 30,000 each year and rising.
* 50 percent of the people on welfare are due to killer alcohol.
* 80 percent of all fire deaths are due to killer alcohol.
* 65 percent of the drownings
* 22 percent of home accidents
* 77 percent of falls
* 36 percent of pedestrian accidents
* 65 percent of all murders
* 40 percent of all assaults
* 35 percent of all rapes
* 30 percent of other sex crimes
* 30 percent of all suicides
* Over 80 percent of all arrests are linked to killer alcohol!

From: http://www.av1611.org/drug.html

So I guess we can expect things to be different if we legalize drugs like Marijuana (which ruined a perfectly good 10 years of my life) etc... I can say without any hesitation that we should not allow potheads to influence public policy!

For Jesus' sake,

Kottage Kat 03-09-2009 11:19 PM

I am an Independant Fundamental Bible Believing Baptist. Atlas is way off base, and I certainly do not in anyway shape or form share in his rantings. Rush deserves our prayers and Christian compassion, if that cannot be given, then be silent. When I was in the "world" I was an occaisional listener, now I just have no TV, to much silly stuff, listen to the radio, Gospel music, and when tempted to be unkind or not giving of grace, I go to God's word for wisdom. Grab your KJV Bible, Atlas and come back when you have read it through, I am sure that will give all of us some much needed peace. God Bless

Renee 03-10-2009 03:58 PM

Galatians 5:14-26 For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another. This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law. Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another.

Shall we cease this vain striving?

In Christian love,

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