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bondservant40 05-21-2009 03:42 PM

Favorite King James Defense Books?
I am curious what everyone's favorite KJV defense books are. I've read many, but there are a few that stand out to me.

Two questions:

1. What are your personal favorites?
2. If different, which book(s) do you think are best to give someone that knows nothing about the subject?

Here are my personal favorites sitting on my shelf:

The King James Defended By Edward Hills
Final Authority by Dr. William Grady
Defending the Bible by Pastor DA Waite
In Awe of Thy Word by Gail Riplinger

I think if I was going to give someone a book on the topic that knew nothing about the Bible version controversy, it might be "Crowned With Glory"

If I was debating with someone that thought they knew a lot about the subject and was on the modern version side, I would think about giving them "The Identity of the New Testament Text" by Pickering.

thanks in advance for your thoughts! :)

George 05-21-2009 04:02 PM

Re: "Favorite King James Defense Books?"

Originally Posted by bondservant40 (Post 20364)
I am curious what everyone's favorite KJV defense books are. I've read many, but there are a few that stand out to me.

Two questions:

1. What are your personal favorites?
2. If different, which book(s) do you think are best to give someone that knows nothing about the subject?

Here are my personal favorites sitting on my shelf:

The King James Defended By Edward Hills
Final Authority by Dr. William Grady
Defending the Bible by Pastor DA Waite
In Awe of Thy Word by Gail Riplinger

I think if I was going to give someone a book on the topic that knew nothing about the Bible version controversy, it might be "Crowned With Glory"

If I was debating with someone that thought they knew a lot about the subject and was on the modern version side, I would think about giving them "The Identity of the New Testament Text" by Pickering.

thanks in advance for your thoughts! :)

Aloha sister Bondservant 40,

Please check out this Link and it will "link you up" to several links dealing with this subject. http://av1611.com/forums/showpost.php?p=18487&postcount=3

Personally, after thoroughly studying this issue for over 40 years, I believe that the very best first "Introductory" book on the issue of "Which Bible" - is: "Forever Settled" by Dr. Jack Moorman, or the "Bible Version Manual" by Donald T. Clarke (if you can find it).

bondservant40 05-21-2009 04:09 PM

Fabulous!..Just looking at the link with your book list! That is terrific brother George! I will take some time reading your comments and ratings.

Thank you for your reply, and God bless!

slatts1611AV 05-21-2009 05:01 PM

My two favorites are 'manuscript evidence' by Dr. Ruckman and New Age Bible Versions by Mrs. Riplinger
I chose these two because Dr. Ruckmans book gives a straight forward presentation of the Manuscript Evidence itself, while Mrs Riplinger shows the spiritual cause of the new versions.

Luke 05-21-2009 06:57 PM

The easiest book that I found to understand was a little book put out by Chick Publications.

It was brown and it had scales on the front. I think it was called "Let's Weight the Evidence".

YEP - that's the one


It's not a "scholarly" book, but it will answer the questions of one that is seeking the truth. It also is outdated, so it doesn't have the NKJV or ESV in it.

boaz212 05-21-2009 07:28 PM

That's a good one Luke. Let's Weigh the Evidence was the very first book that I read regarding the version issue. Since I don't like to read and read very slow, I like pictures and big print size in my books. It's easy reading but very informative.

Jeremy 05-21-2009 08:01 PM

I just purchased Final Authority by William p. Grady,it may take me all summer to read. :D Looks good though.
"How Satan Turned America against God",by Grady looks interesting,close to 1000 pages,bet it would take me years to get through that one. I know its not in defense of the KJB but sure looks interesting. My pastor is reading it now.
Also booklets by Dr. Ruckman,survey of the Authorized Version,about the New Scofield Reference bible,Why i believe the KJB is the Word of God and my favorite "Monarch of the Books".

Gail Riplingers "Which bible is Gods Word, New Age Bible versions,and
Purified seven times by Bill Bradley for background on our English Bible.

bondservant40 05-22-2009 06:25 AM

Luke and Boaz:thanks! I'll have to check out "Let's weigh the evidence" I haven't seen it. Thank you for the link Luke. Very cool that it is a small book. Easy to hand out. I love books that put the basic information needed succinctly in a few pages. I may order several copies. :D :D

Jeremy: I think you will like Final Authority. It is one of my favorites. It is a long read. Some chapters I had an attention span problem. But he is very thorough. Definitely a good one to have for reference. :)

Mathew Ward 05-22-2009 06:39 AM

The Identity of the NT Text by Wilbur Pickering

Landmarks of English Bible Manuscript Evidence by Robert Sargent

If you want some heavier reading...Frederick Nolan


bondservant40 05-22-2009 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by Mathew Ward (Post 20419)
The Identity of the NT Text by Wilbur Pickering

Landmarks of English Bible Manuscript Evidence by Robert Sargent

If you want some heavier reading...Frederick Nolan


Wonderful! :) I have "The Identity of th NT text", but don't think I've heard of the others. Thank you.

tonybones2112 05-22-2009 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by bondservant40 (Post 20425)
Wonderful! :) I have "The Identity of th NT text", but don't think I've heard of the others. Thank you.

Beth, I once had a collection of 2000 books pertaining to "religion". I think my first books on the KJV were my favorites and they were:

David Otis Fuller's 3 books.
Edward Hills 2 books
Dr. Ruckman's Manuscript Evidence book and Problem Texts(now known as "Errors In The KJV".
At the time(1994-95) I had ALL of Dr. Ruckman's Commentaries and all the KJV books.
Revision Revised and The Last Twelve Verses Of Mark by John W. Burgon.

Become aqquainted with the version issue but get into the Bible itself and see what God says about His word.

Grace and peace sister


I've read Gail Ripplinger but did not own the books

bondservant40 05-23-2009 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by tonybones2112 (Post 20451)

Become aqquainted with the version issue but get into the Bible itself and see what God says about His word.


Oh, no worries Tony! :) I'm familiar with the Bible version issue - and have a small selection of good books on it - not near as many as you though! :) Always looking for other information I don't have , or books that would be good for me to give to others. I cherish the Word of God and spend time daily in it. Praise God that we live in a time where not only can the whole Bible be in each home, but each person can have their own. :D

I think I will have to check out Ruckman's book. I have not read any of his books because of the controversy I heard surrounding him. Many people here are recommending him, so I seem to be long overdue in reading His work.

Thank you for your knowledge, recomendations and sweet spirit.
in Christ
your sis Beth

tonybones2112 05-25-2009 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by bondservant40 (Post 20515)

Oh, no worries Tony! :) I'm familiar with the Bible version issue - and have a small selection of good books on it - not near as many as you though! :) Always looking for other information I don't have , or books that would be good for me to give to others. I cherish the Word of God and spend time daily in it. Praise God that we live in a time where not only can the whole Bible be in each home, but each person can have their own. :D

I think I will have to check out Ruckman's book. I have not read any of his books because of the controversy I heard surrounding him. Many people here are recommending him, so I seem to be long overdue in reading His work.

Thank you for your knowledge, recomendations and sweet spirit.
in Christ
your sis Beth

Dr. Ruckman has a very cut and dried personality. He's a southerner like me, and he and I understand each other as far as "southern" things go. Brother Ruckman has some weird ideas on race. I have a "weird" idea on it too. There are three races of man on earth, they are not Negro, Oriental, and Caucasian, they are Jew, Gentile, and church of God. I had one man follow me up the street from the protest against the Last Temptation Of Christ movie where I ridiculed them. His name was Mark. He was blacker than a piece of coal, he was United Methodist. He came up the street with me on the street ministry. He wept when we went into the bar and picked up the tracts he handed out that were thrown on the floor. Mark was built like a bodybuilder, he had bigger biceps that me, I am, among other things, a former construction worker. Mark stood next to me when I took the knife out of the biker's hand who was gonna stab one of our workers and I did it like you take a straw out of a soft drink. Calmly and deliberately. I thanked God for Mark that night. Some of Doc Ruckman's followers think they need to parrot him and would not have appreciated Mark hugging me as a brother that night when we were done or me hugging him back. I never saw Mark again after that night. One of the others had his phone number and the group has scattered.

My point is Dr. Ruckman can be tiring at times, ignore his personal opinions and stick with his scholarship and his fervor for Christ and for the word of God. The sheer volume of his writings, his commentaries, his recordings and personal appearances, are mind-numbing. Not bad for an 89 year old man who was not saved till he was 27.

I appreciate and thank you for being here Beth, for you questions, your comments, your edification of others. Spread His words, they will not return unto Him void.

Grace and peace sister


bondservant40 05-25-2009 10:37 AM

Amen Tony. What a beautiful testimony! I agree with you on the race issue. I don't see skin color. I only see "salvation" or the lack of it.

As for Dr. Ruckman speaking like a southerner, I grew up in the heart of the south, so maybe his books would be a good fit for me too. :)

God bless you

bondservant40 06-08-2009 12:27 PM

Okay - ordered my "newest" KJB defense book to add to the collection (or later, give away if I think they'll really read it :).

Lots of great suggestions here and there were several I had not read yet. But decided to start with Ruckman's "Manuscript Evidence".

Thanks ya'll!!! God bless

PeterAV 06-08-2009 02:17 PM

Recommended reading
Good thread.
Besides all the others mentioned, I really like "Which Bible Can We Trust?" Compiled by Les Garrett.
Even Otis Fuller D.D. was glad that Les was taking a strong stand upon the Holy word of God.
There is a short history of how we got our Bible.
Showing how both sides of the issue look at things.
He deals with the Greek text of the AV.
Has a couple good tidbits by Burgon & Mauro, Hoskier & Hills.
He includes a section on the JW's original AV Bible with instructions on crossing out words and verses.
They match Tischendorf's corruptions.
The last 70 pages is a concordance showing all the omissions from the various Bibles. He compares 6 other Bibles. RV,Amp.,NIV, NWT, D-R, GNFMM.
Every word of God is pure:

bondservant40 06-08-2009 05:41 PM

Peter - that sounds very interesting! I'll have to keep that one in mind - thank you. :)

CKG 06-08-2009 06:25 PM

KJV books on the net:




(Look under Why we use the Authorized King James Version of the Holy Scriptures)

Jassy 06-08-2009 10:30 PM

my 2 favorites
Hi sis Beth,

1) I highly recommend Gipp's Understandable History of the Bible by Samuel C. Gipp, Th.D.

An excellent, comprehensive 500+ page book that reviews history and how we can be certain that the KJV is the ONLY true, perfect, and inspired Word of God in the English language today.

Lots and lots of EVIDENCE there, very clearly and carefully explained.

2) Honoring the King James Bible: Exposing the Modern English Bible Versions as Counterfeits by Dr. Solomon M. Aordkian.

I don't know if this book is still available in print. I bought it as a large format -8.5 x 11 - paperback book. I bought it years ago and don't remember where I got it from. I've searched for it since and don't find it. I recently mailed a snail-mail letter to Dr. Aordkian (he's a Chiropractic doctor in Connecticut) asking where his book is available for purchase or how it could be shared electronically, because Dr. Aordkian (in his book), encourages anyone to reproduce it freely and share it with others. I will let this forum know if and when I hear back from Dr. Aordkian regarding this.

May you be blessed in your reading, sis!


Jassy 06-08-2009 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by CKG (Post 21848)

Thanks for these links, brother Craig!


Waiting for the Morning 06-08-2009 10:45 PM

Some Book's that helped my friends and I as young Christians where called "Purified Seven Times" By Bill Bradley and the Answer Book by Sam Gipp. Purified Seven Times explains the fulfilment of Psalms 12:6-7 in the translation of the AV. It's only 5 bucks and some change. If you have more money and want to go deep, Peter Ruckmans "Biblical Scholarship" book is awesome.

In Christ, Bro. Thane

bondservant40 06-09-2009 06:10 AM

Craig - great links! Thank you for posting these.

Sis Jassy, thank you for your recommendations. I'll look for Gipp's book and look forward to what you find out from Dr. Aordkian!

chette777 06-09-2009 06:33 AM

is that Craig-list of links Craiglist get it. hee hee just trying to be funny:eyebrows:

bondservant40 06-12-2009 07:54 AM

Sis. Jassy - I wanted to thank you for highly recommending Samuel Gipp's "Understandable history of the Bible". I am about 140 pages into it and it is indeed FABULOUS! God bless sis!

I also have more defense books on order thanks to many recommendations here. (and off topic, also Ruckman's book on Dispensations).

God bless all!

Jassy 06-12-2009 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by bondservant40 (Post 22025)
Sis. Jassy - I wanted to thank you for highly recommending Samuel Gipp's "Understandable history of the Bible". I am about 140 pages into it and it is indeed FABULOUS! God bless sis!

I also have more defense books on order thanks to many recommendations here. (and off topic, also Ruckman's book on Dispensations).

God bless all!

Sis Beth, I'm very happy that you are finding the book of value. I am currently re-reading it and am about halfway through. I find it very useful to show people the history to support the KJVO truth. Once people realize the true history, and how it came about, it ought to be easy to convince them of the inerrancy of the KJV Bible.

Let us know about the other books that you read and what you think of them. I'd like to know, since I plan to add to my personal library of books.

Blessings to you!

bondservant40 06-13-2009 04:23 PM

I'l be glad to let you know about the other books as they arrive and I read them :)
Jassy, one thing that was very alarming to me in this book was how they are re-catagorizing the manuscript evidence so it will appear that there are very few manuscripts that back the KJB.

That is not only dishonest - but flat out HATE for the truth. It is angering and also very, very sad.

Jassy 06-15-2009 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by bondservant40 (Post 22081)
I'l be glad to let you know about the other books as they arrive and I read them :)
Jassy, one thing that was very alarming to me in this book was how they are re-catagorizing the manuscript evidence so it will appear that there are very few manuscripts that back the KJB.

That is not only dishonest - but flat out HATE for the truth. It is angering and also very, very sad.

Sis Beth,

That truly alarmed and disturbed me as well. The so-called "experts" sure had to resort to some very deceptive and tricky maneuvering in order to try to discredit the King James Bible!

The other thing that shocked me was the use of subterfuge in "implanting" Jesuits throughout society, in an effort to try to gradually change KJB believers into doubting that they had the ONLY TRUE BIBLE in the English language. We now see that throughout the "religious" and Bible colleges which use other Bible versions in their teaching. However, we have God's promise of His Word - and we, who know to TRUST IN HIM, know that that is the King James Bible. I am so happy to be blessed with that knowledge!

Thank you for starting this thread, sis - I have noted others' responses as well, and know what books I would like to add to my personal library now!

Happy studying, sis! I'm sure the Lord will bless your studies.


bondservant40 06-15-2009 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by Jassy (Post 22215)
Sis Beth,

The other thing that shocked me was the use of subterfuge in "implanting" Jesuits throughout society, in an effort to try to gradually change KJB believers into doubting that they had the ONLY TRUE BIBLE in the English language. <snip>


That was also alarming to me. This is really an excellent reference book to have.
God bless you too sis!

magicref 06-18-2009 09:53 AM

Not strictly KJVO - but good
While not necessarily KJVO, I have found the writing of the late Theodore Letis to be valuable (The Ecclesiastical Text is a good one), as well as Unholy Hands on the Bible Vol II by J.P. Green Sr.

Mr. Green had a third volume written (but not printed), but the Lord took him home in 2008 and I don't think his son is doing a very good job with the ministry, Sovereign Grace Publishers (SGPBooks.com). They have been asking for money for a long time and not returning many results.

J.P. Green Sr. produced his own translations from the majority texts (not sure if purely TR or not) through the years: the Literal Version, the Modern King James version, and most recently (finally published) the KJV3 version. So, clearly he was not KJVO, but he did write a lot against most modern versions.

Doug A.

PaulB 06-23-2009 09:41 AM

Favourite books
I have read a number of goods books on the KJB subject that have already been mentioned above. Two of the books that I found quite astounding were;
"Antichrist conspiracy inside the devil's liar"
This is also downloadable in a PDF format at www.antichristconspiracy.com

The other is "Spiritual deception in the highest"
This is also a free online book tha can be downloaded from;

Hope you enjoy them - they say alot about the heart of what we are about.

God bless


bondservant40 06-25-2009 11:36 AM

Thanks for the links Paul - I'll give them a look! :)
God bless you

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